Ribagorza - Spain
Some kilometres before arriving at Obarra, stop at the path in the cathedral of Roda de Isabena, which was erected on the ancient see of the bishopric of Ribagorza. It began to be built by the chevet at the turn of the XI century. The three naves and the front would come afterwards, but what will you enjoy, without a doubt, is a walk along its cute cloister weaved with semicircular arches and simple columns with crude capitals. In the middle of the stillness and the silence, you will find the most Eastern Aragonese monastery. Look for it between Aren and Pont de Suert, in Sopeira, a cold and beauty village sheltered by an impressive rocky massif. The Monastery of Santa Maria de Alaon was founded in the Visigothic period and was refurbished in the X1 century. This church is as austere as the life of these villages, with three naves ended in semicircular apes with blind little arches and the Jaca's checker pattern. It is the simplicity of the stone...