
Showing posts from June 2, 2008


Soup-making Hints

"Soup-making Hints There are many ways to vary soups. Soups are divided into just a few groups: Soups made from white stock have veal or poultry as a base. Soups made from brown stock have dark meat as a base. Bouillon is a clear soup made from beef stock. Consomme' is made from beef, chicken, veal, and vegetables. Chowders are thick soups made from fish, meat and vegetables. Broth is a liquid resulting from meat which has been simmered slowly in water. The cream soups (purees and bisques) contain both milk and butter, as well as the vegetables after which they are named. ----- CentreTravel " "Ħjiel ta 'teħid Soppa Hemm ħafna modi biex jvarjaw sopop. Sopop huma maqsuma fi ftit ftit gruppi: Sopop magħmula mill-istokk abjad jkollhom vitella jew tjur bħala bażi. Sopop magħmula mill-istokk kannella jkollhom laħam skur bħala bażi. Brodu huwa soppa ċara magħmula minn stokk taċ-ċanga. Consomme "...

Hints about Seafood Cocktails

"Hints about Seafood Cocktails Chilled crabmeat, lobster,prawns, tuna fish, etc. with a sharp cocktail sauce are always perfect at-table beginning for a dinner. They are traditionally served in cocktail glasses, lined with lettuce. Other ways to serve them include the following: Arrange seafood on small plates with a round lettuce leaf filled with cocktail sauce in centre of each plate. Pile seafood in green pepper rings placed on small plates; cover with sauce. Hollow out small tomatoes; place on beds of watercress or lettuce on small plates. Fill tomatoes with seafood which has been dipped into sauce. ----- CentreTravel " "Ħjiel dwar Cocktails Seafood crabmeat imkessaħ, awwista, gambli kbar, ħut tonn, eċċ ma zalza cocktail qawwija huma dejjem perfetti -Fuq il-mejda bidu għal pranzu. Dawn huma tradizzjonalment serva fl-nuċċalijiet cocktail, miksija bi ħass. Modi oħra biex iservu minnhom jinkludu dan li ġej...

Ukrainian Borsht

"Ukrainian Borsht 2 1/2 pounds soup meat 1 pound beetroots cleaned and quartered 1 large onion 1 small can tomato puree' 3 ncloves garlic, crushed 2 tbsp lemon juice 2 oz sugar 2 to 3 tbsp salt 1/2 tsp paprika pinch of pepper 3 1/4 pts water 3 lbs cabbage quartered Combine all ingredients, except cabbage, in a large pot. Cover and simmer slowly for 2 hrs or until meat is tender. Put cabbage wedges on top and simmer about another hour until cabbage is done. Serve soured cream and plenty of crisp crackers. Makes about 10 servings but most people want more than one. If there's any left, it's just as delicious reheated for another meal. ----- CentreTravel " "Borsht Ukraina laħam soppa 2 1/2 £ 1 pitravi lira mnaddfa u kwartieri 1 basla kbira 1 tista purejiet żgħir tadam "" 3 ncloves tewm, imfarrak meraq tal-lumi 2 tbsp zokkor 2 oz 2 sa melħ tbsp 3 paprika 1/2 Tsp...

Avocado- Cheese dip

"Avocado- Cheese dip Mashed pulp of 1 large avocado 8 oz cream cheese or ricotta 3 tbsp lemon juice Dash of Worcestershire sauce 1/2 bunch spring onions, finely chopped 1 tsp salt Savoury Biscuits Gradually add avocado to the ricotta or cream cheese, blending until smooth. Add lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, onions, and salt and mix until thoroughly blended. Place in a bowl on a tray and surround with crackers. ----- CentreTravel " "dip Ġobon Avocado- polpa mgħaffġa minn 1 avokado kbir 8 oz ġobon krema jew rikotta meraq tal-lumi 3 tbsp Sing ta 'Worcestershire sauce 1/2 basal mazz, mqatta 'b'mod fin 1 Tsp melħ Gallettini savory Gradwalment żid avokado mal-ġobon rikotta jew krema, taħlit sakemm bla xkiel. Żid meraq tal-lumi, Worcestershire sauce, basal, u melħ u ħawwad sakemm mħallat sewwa. Poġġi fi skutella fuq trej u jdawru ma crackers. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel...

Football - Do not forget.

"Football - Do not forget. June will see Austria and Switzerland hosting Europe's top country competition - Euro 2008 ----- CentreTravel " "Futbol - Tinsiex. Ġunju se tara l-Awstrija u l-Isvizzera hosting kompetizzjoni Ewropa pajjiż quċċata - Euro 2008 ----- CentreTravel " "Fußball - nicht vergessen. Juni werden sieht, Österreich und die Schweiz Europas größte Land Wettbewerb Hosting - Euro 2008 ----- CentreTravel " "足球 - 不要忘记。 6月份将看到奥地利和瑞士举办欧洲顶级国家的竞争 -  2008年欧洲杯 ----- CentreTravel " "Fútbol - No se olvide. Junio ​​se Austria y Suiza alojamiento competencia de los países más importantes de Europa - Euro 2008 ----- CentreTravel " "फुटबॉल - मत भूलना। यूरो 2008 - जून ऑस्ट्रिया और स्विट्जरलैंड यूरोप के शीर्ष देश प्रतियोगिता की मेजबान...

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