Soup-making Hints
"Soup-making Hints There are many ways to vary soups. Soups are divided into just a few groups: Soups made from white stock have veal or poultry as a base. Soups made from brown stock have dark meat as a base. Bouillon is a clear soup made from beef stock. Consomme' is made from beef, chicken, veal, and vegetables. Chowders are thick soups made from fish, meat and vegetables. Broth is a liquid resulting from meat which has been simmered slowly in water. The cream soups (purees and bisques) contain both milk and butter, as well as the vegetables after which they are named. ----- CentreTravel " "Ħjiel ta 'teħid Soppa Hemm ħafna modi biex jvarjaw sopop. Sopop huma maqsuma fi ftit ftit gruppi: Sopop magħmula mill-istokk abjad jkollhom vitella jew tjur bħala bażi. Sopop magħmula mill-istokk kannella jkollhom laħam skur bħala bażi. Brodu huwa soppa ċara magħmula minn stokk taċ-ċanga. Consomme "...