
Showing posts from March 20, 2008


Where fish live

"Where fish live Fish live in almost all kinds of water. Some have become adapted to living in extremely inhospitable regions. The grouper lives in warm waters, of tropical coral reefs. While in the freezing Antarctic seas come the ice fish, in torrential streams. There modified fins serve as suckers. Fish even inhabit in caves, the blind cave barb is an African example. ----- CentreTravel " "Fejn il-ħut ħaj Ħut ħajjin fi kważi kull tip ta 'ilma. Xi saru adattati għall-ħajja fil f'reġjuni estremament inhospitable. Il grouper jgħix fil ibħra sħan, ta 'sikek tal-qroll tropikali. Filwaqt li fl-ibħra iffriżar Antartiku jidħlu l-ħut silġ, fil-flussi torrenzjali. Hemm xewk modifikati iservu bħala żraġen. Ħut anki jgħixu fl-għerien, il-ponta grotta għomja huwa eżempju Afrikan. ----- CentreTravel " "Wo Fische leben Fische leben in fast alle Arten von Wasser. Einig...

Electricity cut

"Electricity cut During one of the winter storms, the electricity was cut off, while fixing some repairs. A woman telephoned the electricity board , to ask the exact time when there will be next cut in her district. The man answered calmly ""we are cutting you off right now!"" And that is what he did. ----- CentreTravel " "maqtugħa elettriku Matul wieħed mill-maltempati tax-xitwa, l-elettriku kien maqtugħa, filwaqt li jiffissa xi tiswijiet. Mara ċempel il-bord elettriku, li titlob lill-ħin eżatt meta se jkun hemm jmiss maqtugħa fid-distrett tagħha. Ir-raġel wieġeb bil-kalma ""aħna huma qtugħ inti off dritt issa!"" U dan huwa dak li kien. ----- CentreTravel " "Stromausfall Während einer der Winterstürme, wurde der Strom abgeschaltet, während einige Reparaturen zu befestigen. Eine Frau rief das Elektrizitätswerk, die genaue Zeit zu fr...


"Housework Mr. Joke, my husband's friend was invited for a drink, at our house, one evening. Mr. Joke told my husband ""I admire your wife for keeping such a tidy house"" My husband promptly replied ""But I do all the housework."" Then there is a better reason for admiring her more. ----- CentreTravel " "xogħol tad-dar Mr Joke, ħabib raġel tiegħi kien mistieden għal xarba, fil-dar tagħna, waħda filgħaxija. Mr Joke told raġel tiegħi ""I jammiraw mara tiegħek għaż-żamma ta 'dik id-dar imbarazz"" My raġel pront wieġbu ""Imma jien l-xogħol tad-dar."" Imbagħad hemm raġuni aħjar għall admiring tagħha aktar. ----- CentreTravel " "Hausarbeit Herr Witz, mein Mann war der Freund für einen Drink eingeladen, bei uns zu Hause, an einem Abend. Herr Witz erzählte meinem Mann, „ich Ihre Frau bewundern...

The driving test

"The driving test During her driving test, the young lady was asked by her examiner to do a three-point turn in a narrow road. On the pavement, there were three bins awaiting collection. As she reversed, the car's bumper touched one of the bins. With a horrible clang, it rolled over and out came its contents. ""Oh no"" she cried. ""Four faults"" ----- CentreTravel " "It-test tas-sewqan Matul it-test tas-sewqan tagħha, il-mara żgħażagħ kien mistoqsi minn eżaminatur tagħha li tagħmel dawran-tliet punti fi triq dejqa. Fuq il-bankina, kien hemm tliet bins qed jistennew ġbir. Kif hi qalbet, bamper tal-karozza mimsus waħda mill-laned. Bil-clang horrible, dan tinqaleb u l waslet tagħha kontenut. ""Oh no"" hi cried. ""Erba difetti"" ----- CentreTravel " "Der Fahrtest Während ihrer Fahrprüfung wurde die...

In the waiting room

"In the waiting room A old woman went to the doctor. The waiting room was full of patients waiting for their turn. In the waiting room there was background music. As the woman waited for her turn, at one point she told the lady next to her ""just like these young doctors. A crowded waiting room and he is in the room playing the piano!"" ----- CentreTravel " "Fil-waiting room Mara qodma marru għall-tabib. -Waiting room kienet sħiħa ta 'pazjenti li qed jistennew min-naħa tagħhom. Fil-waiting room kien hemm mużika fl-isfond. Peress li l-mara stenniet dawran tagħha, fuq wieħed punt hi qalet il-mara li jmiss għal ""bħad dawn it-tobba żgħażagħ tagħha. A kamra stennija iffullar u huwa fil-kamra playing piano! "" ----- CentreTravel " "Im Wartezimmer Eine alte Frau ging zum Arzt. Das Wartezimmer war voll von Patienten an die Reihe zu wart...

Mint Sauce

"Mint Sauce Using Liquidiser: mint - about 2 tbsp leaves 1 dsp sugar 4 tbsp vinegar 2 tbsp boiling water Method: Wash the mint and strip the leaves from the stalks. Melt sugar in boiling water and place in liquidiser with rest of ingredients. Pour into a sauce boat and leave to stand an hour. ----- CentreTravel " "mint Zalza Bl-użu Liquidiser: mint - madwar 2 weraq tbsp zokkor 1 DSP ħall 4 tbsp 2 tbsp ilma jagħli Metodu: Aħsel-zekka u strixxa-weraq mill-zkuk. Dewweb zokkor fl-ilma u l-post li jagħlu fil- liquidiser ma 'mistrieħ ta' ingredjenti. Ferra 'dgħajsa zalza u ħalliha toqgħod għal siegħa. ----- CentreTravel " "Minzsauce Mit Mixer: Minze - etwa 2 EL Blätter 1 dsp Zucker 4 EL Essig 2 EL kochendem Wasser Methode: Wasche die Minze und Streifen die Blätter von den Stielen. Melt Zucker in kochendem Wasser und in liquidiser mit dem Rest der Zutaten. ...

Easter dish - Lamb Stew served with mint Sauce

Ingredients: 1 kilo lamb 4 carrots 1 tbs flour 6 tomatoes 2 tbs chopped parsley 500 gr potatoes 4 onions salt and pepper to taste. Method: Cut the lamb in pieces, roll in flour. Fry lamb in lard, add hot water and let simmer. Add chopped and sliced vegetables. When vegetables are well done , add chopped parsley and serve.

speciality - Easter Pie- Marmurat

This is really delicious, easy and you should try. Ingredients: 400 gr grated almonds 2 eggs 1 tsp spice grated rind of small lemon sweet pastry 200 gr sugar 200 chocolate powder 1 tsp nutmeg Method: Mix grated almonds with sugar. Mix the chocolate powder to the spice, grated nutmeg and grated rind of lemon and add grated almonds and sugar. Finally add beaten eggs and milk and mix thoroughly . Prepare a lightly greased dish and line with pastry, pour mixture gently. Cover mixture with strips of pastry. Bake oven n 375F or no 4.

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