
Showing posts from February 23, 2008


How I caught a fish

"How I caught a fish Today, as the weather was sunny and warm. My husband and I decided to go with our small boat fishing. We had a narrow line with a tiny hook at the end. No bait at all is required, as the fish is attracted by the shinny movement. So this is the way we caught our fish. This fish is called ""Atlantic Horse Mackerel."" This fish is common in the Mediterranean sea and is usually used by housewives. The best way to cook it is to dip it in semolina or flour, and with a little oil fry it on moderate heat. Serve with a salad. Here is what the fish looks like: ----- CentreTravel " "Kif I qabad ħut Illum, bħala l-temp kien xemxi u sħun. My raġel u I iddeċieda li jmorru ma tagħna sajd dgħajsa żgħira. Kellna linja dejqa ma 'ganċ ċkejkna fl-aħħar. Nru lixka fil-livelli kollha huwa meħtieġa, kif il-ħut huwa attirat mit-moviment shinny. Allura dan huwa l-mod aħna maqbuda ħu...

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