
Showing posts from May 12, 2008


Herb, Cheese and Garlic Bread

"Herb, Cheese and Garlic Bread 1 Vienna loaf, about 12 inches long. 1 x 4 oz roll of savoury butter with herbs and garlic 3 oz Double Gloucester cheese, grated Check that the loaf will fit microwave ant turn freely. Make diagonal slits in the loaf almost to the base but not quite through, about 1 1/2 inches apart. Slice the savoury butter into rounds and place a round in each slit with some cheese. Loosely wrap the loaf in kitchen paper, cut side uppermost, in the oven. Cook for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes until the butter has melted and the bread is warm. Serve at once, with soup or vegetable starters. ----- CentreTravel " "Ħxejjex aromatiċi, Ġobon u Tewm Ħobż 1 ħobża Vjenna, madwar 12 pulzieri twila. 1 x 4 roll oz ta 'butir savoury bil-ħxejjex aromatiċi u tewm 3 oz ġobon Double Gloucester, maħkuk Iċċekkja li l-ħobża se jaqbel dawran ant microwave liberament. Jagħmlu qasmiet djagonali fil-ħobża kważi għall-ba...

Chicken and Spinach Cannelloni

"Chicken and Spinach Cannelloni 1 small onion, chopped 1 clove garlic 1tbsp water 4 oz frozen spinach, defrosted 8 oz cooked spinach cooked, minced 2 tbsp fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley freshly ground pepper 8 spinach cannelloni tubes. 1 pt hot tomato sauce 1 oz Parmesan cheese Place onion, garlic and water and cook. Drain spinach. Chop spinach, add onion and garlic with chicken,breadcrumbs and parsley. Season with pepper. Use to stuff cannelloni tubes. Place cannelloni in a baking dish and pour tomato sauce. Cook and then sprinkle with cheese. ----- CentreTravel " "Chicken u Spinaċi kannelloni 1 basla żgħar, mqatta 1 sinna tewm ilma 1tbsp 4 oz iffriżati spinaċi, iddifrostjat 8 oz spinaċi imsajjar imsajjar, ikkapuljat 2 frak tal-ħobż wholemeal tbsp frisk 1 tursin frisk tbsp mqatta bżar friska art 8 tubi kannelloni ispinaċi. 1, punt zalza tat-tadam sħun 1 o...

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