
Showing posts from February 26, 2008


Marriage thoughts

"Marriage thoughts My daughter Pamela, was thinking of getting married. So one day she told her mother. ""When I get married, I'm going to invite everybody I know. I want the best catering, the best spirits. Everything the best. Well I agree with you I said. But you forgot one thing. ""What said Pamela?"" Did you tell your father about it ? Why said Pamela?. Because as you know your father has to pay for all. ----- CentreTravel " "ħsibijiet żwieġ Binti Pamela, kienet taħseb li jiżżewġu. Allura ġurnata waħda hi qalet ommha. ""Meta I jiżżewġu, jien ser jistiednu kulħadd I know. Irrid li l-aħjar kejtering, l-aħjar ispirti. Kollox l-aħjar. Ukoll Naqbel miegħek I said. Imma inti nesa ħaġa waħda. ""Dak qal Pamela?"" Ridt tgħid missierek dwar dan? Għaliex qal Pamela ?. Għaliex kif tafu missierek għandu li jħallas għal kulħadd. ----- CentreTravel https://centre...

healthy exercise

"healthy exercise Jane, a friend of mine, was putting on weight. She was determined to do something about it. So every morning, for the past three months, she began to walk a kilometre, before going to work, many times in the dark. When she was home after a days work, Susan called to congratulate her on her hard work, Jane was discouraged. ""All I've lost is 4 cm,"" she wailed, ""off the bottom of my tennis shoes."" ----- CentreTravel " "eżerċizzju b'saħħithom Jane, ħabib ta 'mini, kien tqegħid fuq il-piż. Hija kien determinat li jagħmel xi ħaġa dwar dan. Allura kull filgħodu, għall-aħħar tliet xhur, hi bdiet jimxu kilometru, qabel jitilqu jaħdmu, ħafna drabi fid-dlam. Meta hija kienet dar wara ġurnata xogħol, Susan msejħa biex nifraħ tagħha fuq ix-xogħol iebes tagħha, Jane kien skoraġġuta. ""All I tilfu huwa 4 ċm,"" hi wailed, ""off-qiegħ ta ...

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