
Showing posts from May 22, 2008


The carps

"The carps The carps are bony fish belonging to the order Cypriniformes. Their large bodies are usually covered evenly with large scales but these may be missing in cultivated types such as the mirror carp. ----- CentreTravel " "Il carps Il carps huma ħut bony jappartjenu għall-ordni Cypriniformes. korpi kbar tagħhom huma normalment koperti b'mod ugwali ma 'skali kbar iżda dawn jistgħu jkunu nieqsa tipi ikkultivati ​​bħall-karpjuni mera. ----- CentreTravel " "die Karpfen Die Karpfen sind Knochenfisch aus der Ordnung der Cypriniformes. Ihre großen Körper sind in der Regel gleichmäßig mit großen Schuppen bedeckt, aber diese in fehlt möglicherweise Typen, wie der Spiegel Karpfen kultiviert. ----- CentreTravel " "鲤鱼 鲤鱼是属于鲤形目秩序硬骨鱼。 他们的大机构通常与大尺度覆盖均匀,但是这些可能会丢失 栽培种如镜面鲤鱼。 ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel...

Char-grilled vegetable and cheese sandwiches

"Char-grilled vegetable and cheese sandwiches 1 large red pepper, halved and de-seeded 2 large courgettes, sliced thinly diagonally Olive Oil, salt and pepper 1 plump clove garlic, peeled and crushed 175g goat's or ricotta cheese 8 slices good nutty bread pesto onion chutney Preheat oven to 200 C. Put pepper halves on a greased baking tray, skin side uppermost; brush with a little oil, sprinkle with half the garlic and season to taste. Add the courgette slices to the baking tray, in a single layer, also brushed with oil, sprinkled with garlic and seasoned to taste. Continue roasting , until peppers are charred and courgettes are just soft. Remove and allow to cool. Beat goat's or ricotta cheese. Spread half the bread slices with cheese and half the pesto, spread a little chutney on the cheese. Remove charred skin from the pepper and cut flesh into strips. Arrange sandwich together with the pesto slices. Press lightly together and wra...

Why a cereal with fruit and fibre is healthy

"Why a cereal with fruit and fibre is healthy A serving of cereal , is so healthy because it combines, vitamins which unlock the energy from carbohydrates and help convert food into energy. While fruit and fibre provides a quarter of your daily allowance of vitamins, folic acid, as well as the mineral iron. ----- CentreTravel " "Għaliex ċereali bil-frott u l-fibra huwa b'saħħtu A jservu ta 'ċereali, huwa tant b'saħħithom minħabba li tgħaqqad, vitamini li nisfruttaw l-enerġija mill- karboidrati u ikel jgħin jikkonvertu fis-enerġija. Filwaqt frott u l-fibra jipprovdi kwart ta allowance ta 'kuljum tiegħek ta' vitamini, folic acid, kif ukoll bħala l-ħadid minerali. ----- CentreTravel " "Warum ein Müsli mit Obst und Ballaststoffen ist gesund Eine Portion Müsli, ist so gesund, weil es verbindet, Vitamine, die die Energie zu entsperren aus Kohlenhydrat...

The parrot joke

"The parrot joke A surveyor, once related how he once visited a young woman who had a terrible cold and could hardly speak. First we looked upstairs, then she offered to dhow me the ground floor, saying: ""That's where my parrots live. Really, I had one once , it was a beautiful one, but it escaped and flew away. The woman gave me a strange look as she showed me downstairs and introduced me to her parents. ----- CentreTravel " "L-ċajta Pappagall Surveyor, ladarba relatati kif hu darba żar mara żagħżugħa li kellhom kiesaħ terribbli u ma tantx tista jitkellmu. L-ewwel ħarisna soprano, allura hi offriet li dhow lili-pjan terran, qal: ""Li meta pappagalli tiegħi tgħix. Verament, kelli waħda darba, kien sabiħ wieħed, iżda maħruba u tellgħu bogħod. Il-mara tatni ħarsa stramba kif hi wera lili downstairs u introdotti me ġenituri tagħha. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot....

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