
Showing posts from March 4, 2008


Strawberry Smoothie

"Strawberry Smoothie Strawberry Drink Juice three apples and an orange (separately). Blend them with a banana, a punnet of hulled strawberies, plus a bit of crushed ice. ----- CentreTravel " "frawli Smoothie frawli Ixrob Meraq tliet tuffieħ u l-larinġ (separatament). Taħlita lilhom bil-banana, l-punnet ta imfesdqa strawberies, flimkien ma 'daqsxejn ta' silġ imfarrak. ----- CentreTravel " "Erdbeer Smoothie Erdbeer-Drink Juice drei Äpfel und eine Orange (separat). Mischen sie mit einer Banane, eine Schale geschält strawberies, plus ein wenig zerstoßenem Eis. ----- CentreTravel " "草莓冰沙 草莓饮料 汁三个苹果和橙色(分别)。与香蕉混合起来,去壳的一小篮 strawberies,再加上一点碎冰。 ----- CentreTravel " "Batido de fresa bebida de la fresa Jugo de tres manzanas y una naranja (por separado). Mezclarlos con un p...

Merton Abbey Mills

"Merton Abbey Mills You can find Merton Abbey Mills grouped on the banks of the peaceful River Wandle. These were once historic buildings, the printing works for the world famous Liberty silks. They also formed part of the Victorian Arts and Crafts Movement of William Morris. His famous factory was the next one downstream. Left until 1989 they were reborn as a centre for arts and crafts. About half a million people visit them every year ----- CentreTravel " "Merton Abbey Mills Tista 'ssib Merton Abbey Mills miġbura fuq il-banek ta' l Xmara Wandle paċifika. Dawn kienu darba bini storiku, l-istamperiji għad-dinja silks Liberty famużi. huma wkoll tifforma parti mill-Arti u Snajja Victoria Moviment ta 'William Morris. fabbrika famuża tiegħu kien dak li jmiss isfel. Xellug sa l-1989 kienu reborn bħala ċentru għall-arti u snajja. Madwar nofs miljun ruħ iżuru lilhom kull sena ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blo...

Merton Abbey Mills

Oat Fingers

Oat Fingers

"Oat Fingers These are easy to make . The ingredients for these fingers are as follows. 75 gm soft margarine 75 gm soft, dark sugar 1 tbs golden syrup, or honey 150 gm rolled oats. Method: Put margarine, sugar and syrup and till they melt. Add oats, stirring until well coated. Press the oat mixture into an 20cm/8in pie dish. Cook for 10 Min's. Leave to stand. When cold, cut into 10 fingers and remove from dish. Makes 10. ----- CentreTravel " "swaba ħafur Dawn huma faċli biex jagħmlu. L-ingredjenti għal dawn swaba huma kif ġej. 75 marġerina ratba gm 75 gm artab, zokkor dlam 1 TBS ġulepp tad-deheb, jew għasel 150 gm irrumblati ħafur. Metodu: marġerina Poġġi, zokkor u ġulepp u till jdub. Żid ħafur, ħawwad sakemm miksija sew. Agħfas il-taħlita tal-ħafur fi platt pie 20cm / 8 Fil. Cook għal 10 Min s. Ħalli joqgħod. Meta kiesaħ, imqatta 10 swaba u neħħi mill dixx. Jagħmel 10. ----- CentreTravel https://centretrave...

Oven Bags

"Oven bags How to use Oven Bags: 1. First you should set oven temperature, not exceeding 400F. 2. Add 1 tablespoon of flour in the bag, before placing meat or chicken or any spices, sauces or vegetables. 3. Close with nylon tie and cut a slit at intervals. 4. Bake according to the required time, then carefully cut open the top of oven bag. I love using oven bags because food is cooked perfect and my oven is always spic and span. ----- CentreTravel " "basktijiet forn Kif għandek tuża Forn Bags: 1. L-ewwel għandek stabbiliti temperatura tal-forn, li ma jaqbiżx 400F. 2. Żid 1 tablespoon ta 'dqiq fil-borża, qabel laħam huma jqiegħdu jew tiġieġ jew kwalunkwe ħwawar, zlazi jew ħxejjex. 3. mill-qrib ma rabta najlon u maqtugħa qasma f'intervalli. 4. Bake skond il-ħin meħtieġ, imbagħad bil-galbu iftaħ il quċċata tal-borża forn. I love jużaw boroż forn minħabba l-ikel ikun imsajjar perfetta u forn...

Oven Bags

"Oven Bags How to use oven bags: 1. Preheat oven to 350F (for roasts use 325F, never exceed 400F) 2. Add 1 tablespoon flour to oven bag and shake. 3. Arrange meat, or chicken or turkey, also add spices, sauces or vegetables. 4. Close with nylon tie. Place pan in oven, allowing room for oven bag to expand during cooking without touching oven walls. 5. Bake according to the required time. To serve, carefully cut open top of oven bag. ----- CentreTravel " "Bags forn Kif għandek tuża boroż forn: forn 1. Preheat sa 350F (għall roasts użu 325F, qatt jaqbeż 400F) 2. Żid 1 dqiq tablespoon lejn forn borża u ħawwad. 3. Tirranġa laħam, jew tiġieġ jew dundjani, żid ukoll ħwawar, zlazi jew ħxejjex. 4. qrib ma rabta najlon. Poġġi pan fil-forn, li jippermetti spazju għall-forn borża biex jespandu waqt it-tisjir mingħajr ma tmiss ħitan forn. 5. Bake skond il-ħin meħtieġ. Biex iservu, b'attenzjoni iftaħ quċċata tal-borża forn...


"Corfu The best time to visit Corfu is in September. The weather is cool, and not crowded with tourists. What impressed me most is the dense jungle of trees and the vegetation on this exquisite isle. The best way to visit Corfu is by hiring a car. With a tourist guide in hand we visited , of course, Corfu Town were you find many shopkeepers - jewellers, ironmongers, tailors. The beaches , the bays, the coves and hamlets are breathtaking. The best place we visited was ""Mouse Island"" We had to take a boat to visit ""Mouse Island"" with its little church , hidden between the high trees. The incredible landscape is out of this world. Another romantic surprise is at Sidani, The Channel of Love, a little islet between two high rocks, with turquoise crystal-clear water, licking its sandy shore. ----- CentreTravel " "Korfu L-aħjar ħin biex iżżur Korfu hija f'Settembru. It-temp huwa jibred, ...

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