
Showing posts from February 18, 2008



"Travel I love to travel, the last trip I had was to a small Island in the middle of the Mediterrean called Malta. In Malta, people speak English. The people are very friendly and the weather is very inviting, lots of sun and mild weather. Although a small Island ther are lots of things to see. Very old cart ruts, Neolithic Temples and Buildings built by the Knights of St.John. Apart from that people are very modern and enjoy Mediterrean foods. People travel to nearby Sicily on a 2hr trip by Catamaran. ----- CentreTravel " "ivvjaġġar I-imħabba biex jivvjaġġaw, l-aħħar vjaġġ kelli kien ma 'Island żgħira fin-nofs ta' l-Mediterran jisimha Malta. F'Malta, in-nies jitkellmu bl-Ingliż. Il-poplu huma faċli ħafna u t-temp huwa ferm tistieden, lottijiet ta 'xemx u t-temp ħafif. Għalkemm Gżira żgħira hemmhekk ħafna affarijiet li tara. ruts cart antika ħafna, Tempji Neolitiċi u Bini mibnija mill-Kavallieri ta ...

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