What is microwave Energy?
"What is microwave Energy? Microwave energy is a type of high frequency radio wave positioned at the top end of the radio band. Inside the microwave oven there is the magnetron vacuum tube. This converts ordinary ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "X'inhu l-Enerġija microwave? enerġija microwave huwa tip ta 'mewġ tar-radju frekwenza għolja pożizzjonat fl-aħħar nett tal- medda tar-radju. Ġewwa l-forn microwave hemm il-tubu vakwu manjetron. Dan tikkonverti ordinarja ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "Was ist Mikrowellenenergie? Mikrowellenenergie ist eine Art von Hochfrequenz-Funkwelle an dem oberen Ende der positionierten Funkband. Im Inneren des Mikrowellenofens ist es das Magnetron Vakuumröhre. Dieser wandelt gewöhnliche ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "什么是微波能量? 微波能量是位于的顶端的类型的高频无线电波的 无线电频段。 微波炉内部有磁控管真空管。 该功能可将普通 ----- ...