
Showing posts from May 20, 2008


What is microwave Energy?

"What is microwave Energy? Microwave energy is a type of high frequency radio wave positioned at the top end of the radio band. Inside the microwave oven there is the magnetron vacuum tube. This converts ordinary ----- CentreTravel " "X'inhu l-Enerġija microwave? enerġija microwave huwa tip ta 'mewġ tar-radju frekwenza għolja pożizzjonat fl-aħħar nett tal- medda tar-radju. Ġewwa l-forn microwave hemm il-tubu vakwu manjetron. Dan tikkonverti ordinarja ----- CentreTravel " "Was ist Mikrowellenenergie? Mikrowellenenergie ist eine Art von Hochfrequenz-Funkwelle an dem oberen Ende der positionierten Funkband. Im Inneren des Mikrowellenofens ist es das Magnetron Vakuumröhre. Dieser wandelt gewöhnliche ----- CentreTravel " "什么是微波能量? 微波能量是位于的顶端的类型的高频无线电波的 无线电频段。 微波炉内部有磁控管真空管。 该功能可将普通 ----- ...

The Cotton -Tail

"The Cotton -Tail The Cotton-Tail is a New World lagomorph of the family Leporidae, all of which have typically short, furry tails and long ears. Cotton - Tail species range in length from 27.5 to 50 cm ----- CentreTravel " "Il -Tail Qoton Il-qoton-skart hija lagomorfu Dinja l-Ġdida tal-Leporidae familja, li kollha għandhom tipikament qosra, dnub furry u widnejn twal. Qoton - speċi skart jvarjaw fit-tul minn 27.5 sa 50 ċm ----- CentreTravel " "The Cotton -tail Der Cotton-Tail ist eine neue Welt lagomorph der Familie Leporidae, von denen alle haben in der Regel Kurz gesagt, pelzigen Schwanz und langen Ohren. Baumwolle - Schwanzarten reichen in der Länge von 27,5 bis 50 cm ----- CentreTravel " "棉花-tail 棉花尾巴是家庭兔科的一个新的世界兔类,都具有典型的 总之,毛茸茸的尾巴,长耳朵。 棉 - 尾物种的长度范围从27.5至50cm ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspo...

The development of bird song

"The development of bird song The development of bird song is the result of a combination if innate and environmental influences. A bird will usually produce some kind of song however it is reared, but if a song bird is deafened at birth and cannot hear adult male songs, it will produce a totally abnormal sound pattern in its own song. A song bird learns to sing during the first four months of life and after that the song pattern cannot be changed. ----- CentreTravel " "L-iżvilupp tal-kanzunetta għasafar L-iżvilupp tal-kanzunetta għasafar hija r-riżultat ta 'taħlita jekk intrinsika u ambjentali influwenzi. A għasafar normalment tipproduċi xi tip ta 'kanzunetta madankollu jitrabba, imma jekk għasfur kanzunetta huwa deafened fit-twelid u ma jistax jisma kanzunetti maskili adulti, ser tipproduċi ħoss totalment anormali mudell fl kanzunetta tagħha stess. A għasafar kanzunetta jitgħallem biex tkanta matu...

The Iguana

"The  Iguana The common Iguana is one of the world's largest lizards, growing up to 2 m or more in length. It lives near rivers in tropical America. The young feed mainly on insects, whereas adults eat leaves and fruit. ----- CentreTravel " "il Iguana Il Iguana komuni huwa wieħed mill gremxul akbar fid-dinja, jikbru sa 2 m jew aktar fit-tul. Hija jgħix xmajjar qrib fl-Amerika tropikali. L-għalf żgħażagħ prinċipalment fuq insetti, filwaqt adulti jieklu weraq u frott. ----- CentreTravel " "der Leguan Der gemeinsame Iguana ist eine der größten Echsen der Welt, wächst bis zu 2 m oder mehr in der Länge. Er lebt in der Nähe von Flüssen in der tropischen Amerika. Der junge ernähren sich hauptsächlich von Insekten, während Erwachsene essen Blätter und Früchte. ----- CentreTravel " "绿鬣蜥 常见的鬣蜥是世界上最大的蜥蜴之一,全长成长达2米以上。 它生活在热...

The Angler Fish

"The Angler Fish The Angler Fish is a sluggish predator that lies half concealed in mud waving an appendage developed from the dorsal fin. Smaller fish, attracted by the lure, approach the angler and are sucked into its huge mouth. ----- CentreTravel " "Il-Ħut Petriċa Il Ħut Petriċa huwa predaturi kajman li tinsab nofs moħbija fit-tajn waving appendage żviluppati mill-ġewnaħ tad-dahar. ħut iżgħar, attirati mill-LURE, approċċ il-petriċa u huma miġbudin fil-ħalq enormi tagħha. ----- CentreTravel " "Der Angler-Fisch Der Angler Fisch ist ein Raubtier, das träge ein Anhängsel in Schlamm halb verborgen liegt wehenden von der Rückenflosse entwickelt. Kleinere Fische, die Köder angezogen, nähern sich den Angler und in seinen riesigen Mund gesaugt. ----- CentreTravel " "在琵琶鱼 在琵琶鱼是一个缓慢的捕食者深藏一半藏在泥挥舞的附属物 从背鳍发展。 较小的鱼,被诱惑所吸引,接...

Lemon Teabread

"Lemon Teabread grated rind of 1 lemon about 3 tbsp lemon juice 75g currants 100g raisins 25g sultanas 225g plain wholemeal flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 egg, beaten 3 tbsp milk 1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda 15g mixed peel Combine the lemon rind, juice,currants, raisins and sultanas in a pot and cook mixture till it boils. Leave covered, until all juice is absorbed. Sift the flour with baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl and rub in the butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar( 100g soft, dark brown sugar). Beat the egg, milk, bicarbonate of soda together and pour into the flour mixture. Mix thoroughly, then fold in the mixed peel and the fruit mixture. Put the mixture into a loaf-shaped container about 20x13x10 1/2 cm. Cook in oven . You can serve warm or cold. Makes one loaf cake. Beat ----- CentreTravel " "Lemon Teabread qoxra maħkuk minn 1 lumi ...

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