
Showing posts from March 8, 2008


A modern balanced diet.

"A modern balanced diet. Here are a few rules for eating a healthy, balanced diet. 1. eat plenty of fibre-based food like whole grain bread, cereal , rice and pasta. 2. eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. 3. Do not exceed your daily intake of calories, sugar fat and salt. You do not have to stop eating your favourite food but you just have to adjust the amounts. It is easy after all try it. ----- CentreTravel " "A dieta bilanċjata moderna. Hawnhekk huma ftit regoli għal tiekol b'saħħithom, dieta bilanċjata. 1. jieklu ħafna bbażata fuq fibra ikel bħall-ħobż ħabba sħiħa, ċereali, ross u għaġin. 2. jieklu inqas ħames porzjonijiet ta 'frott u ħxejjex kuljum. 3. Taqbiżx konsum ta 'kuljum tiegħek ta' kaloriji, xaħam zokkor u melħ. Inti ma għandekx tieqaf tiekol ikel favoriti tiegħek, iżda inti biss għandek biex taġġusta l-ammonti. Huwa faċli wara kollox jippruvaw dan. ----- CentreTrav...

The seahorse

"The seahorse The seahorse is related to the pipe-fishes and lives in tropical and temperate seas. It is the only fish with a prehensile tail, which it uses to cling to seaweed. Another distinctive feature is that the male looks after the eggs, carrying them in a pouch in his belly until they hatch. The seahorse swims weakly with an upright stance and is merely carried along by ocean currents. ----- CentreTravel " "il seahorse Il Seahorse hija relatata mal-pajpijiet ħut u l-ħajja fil-ibħra tropikali u temperata. Huwa l-uniku ħut bil-denb prehensile, li hija tuża biex riċiklaġġ għall alka. Karatteristika oħra distintiva hija li l-irġiel jistenna wara l-bajd, li jġorru fuqhom b'mod borża ż-żaqq tiegħu sakemm bokkaporti. Il Seahorse swims dgħajjef ma 'pożizzjoni wieqfa u hija biss titwettaq flimkien mill-kurrenti oċean. ----- CentreTravel " "das Seepferdchen Das Seepferdchen ...

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