Chicken Casserole
"Chicken Casserole 3 lbs chicken... 4 tbs olive oil 4 tbs flour 3 cups chicken stock 1/2 cup sherry 1 cup ham, (sliced) 1 bunch seedless white grapes(optional) 1 cup mushrooms (Sliced) 8 shallots or small onions 1/4 tsp ginger Method: Cut chicken into serving pieces, and fry in oil. Remove chicken and place in a greased casserole. Add the flour to the oil in frying pan, and mix well. Stir in chicken stock, gradually, and cook until thickened. Stir in the sherry, then add the ham, mushrooms, shallots and the grapes. Season sauce, with ginger and pour this mixture over the chicken ----- CentreTravel " "Chicken casserole £ 3 tiġieġ ... 4 TBS żejt taż-żebbuġa dqiq 4 TBS 3 tazzi tiġieġ istokk 1/2 kikkra sherry 1 tazza perżut, (imfellel) 1 għeneb abjad mingħajr żerriegħa mazz (mhux obbliga...