"The Football Joke My friend's six year old, dressed in a popular football team, outfit was going to go to his first football coaching. An hour later when he returned home, he went shouting breathlessly ""Daddy! I scored my first goal."" His father congratulated him and asked who had won. ""Oh, I don't know "" his son replied. ""They haven't finished playing yet."" ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "Il Joke Futbol My ħabib sitt snin qodma, liebsa tim tal-futbol popolari, ilbies kien se jmorru għal tiegħu taħriġ tal-futbol ewwel. Siegħa tard meta rritorna dar, huwa mar shouting breathlessly ""Daddy! I skorja tiegħi ewwel għan. "" Missieru feraħ lilu u talab li kienu rebħu. ""Oh, I do not know"" ibnu wieġbu. ""Huma ma spiċċatx playing s'issa."" ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blo...