
Showing posts from June 7, 2008


The Snake Joke

A teacher received this note from a parent

The Snake Joke

"The Snake Joke A teacher received this note from a parent: "" Please excuse my son's absence from school. He brought a snake home and put it in the cellar and will not be back until he finds it. ----- CentreTravel " "Il Joke Snake A għalliem irċieva din in-nota minn ġenitur: ""Jekk jogħġbok skuża nuqqas tifel tiegħi mill-iskola. Hu miġjuba dar serp u poġġih fil-kantina u mhux se jkun lura sakemm hu jsib dan. ----- CentreTravel " "Die Schlange-Witz Ein Lehrer erhielt diese Notiz von einem Elternteil: ""Bitte entschuldigen Abwesenheit meines Sohns aus der Schule. Er hat eine Schlange gebracht und es nach Hause in dem Keller legen und kommen wieder nicht, bis er es findet. ----- CentreTravel " "蛇笑话 老师从家长收到此提示: “请从学校原谅我儿子的情况下,他带蛇回家并把它放在地窖 直到他发现它并不会回来。 ----- CentreTravel https://c...

The Football Joke

"The Football Joke My friend's six year old, dressed in a popular football team, outfit was going to go to his first football coaching. An hour later when he returned home, he went shouting breathlessly ""Daddy! I scored my first goal."" His father congratulated him and asked who had won. ""Oh, I don't know "" his son replied. ""They haven't finished playing yet."" ----- CentreTravel " "Il Joke Futbol My ħabib sitt snin qodma, liebsa tim tal-futbol popolari, ilbies kien se jmorru għal tiegħu taħriġ tal-futbol ewwel. Siegħa tard meta rritorna dar, huwa mar shouting breathlessly ""Daddy! I skorja tiegħi ewwel għan. "" Missieru feraħ lilu u talab li kienu rebħu. ""Oh, I do not know"" ibnu wieġbu. ""Huma ma spiċċatx playing s'issa."" ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blo...

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