
Showing posts from June 9, 2008


Sun Preventive measures

"Sun Preventive measures Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. All children should wear sunscreen at all times when outside the house. Children under six months should never be exposed to the sun. Do not sunbathe when the sun is strong. Wear a wide-brimmed hat that shades face and covers ears. ----- CentreTravel " "Sun Miżuri preventivi Jevita x-xemx 10:00-04:00 It-tfal kollha għandhom jilbsu kontra x-xemx fil-ħinijiet kollha meta barra l-dar. Tfal taħt sitt xhur qatt ma għandhom ikunu esposti għall-xemx. Ma sunbathe meta x-xemx hija b'saħħitha. Jilbsu kappell wiesgħa brimmed li sfumaturi jiffaċċjaw u jkopri widnejn. ----- CentreTravel " "Sun Vorbeugende Maßnahmen Meiden Sie die Sonne von 10.00 bis 04.00 Uhr Alle Kinder sollten Sonnenschutz jederzeit, wenn sie außerhalb des Hauses tragen. Kinder unter sechs Monaten sollten nie die Sonne ausgesetzt werd...

Some points about the sun

"Some points about the sun When you apply sunscreen it does not mean you can stay longer in the sun. Clouds do not block the UV rays. Wet clothes allow more UV to pass through than dry ones. Dark coloured clothes give more protection than light coloured ones. Cotton is better than satin. ----- CentreTravel " "Xi punti dwar il-xemx Meta inti tapplika sunscreen dan ma jfissirx li inti tista toqgħod aktar fix-xemx. Sħab ma jimblokka l-raġġi UV. ħwejjeġ imxarrbin jippermettu aktar UV jgħaddi minnhom minn dawk xott. ħwejjeġ kkulurita skur jagħti protezzjoni aktar minn dawk kkulurita dawl. Qoton huwa aħjar minn satin. ----- CentreTravel " "Einige Punkte über die Sonne Wenn Sie Sonnenschutzmittel anwenden es bedeutet nicht, dass Sie in der Sonne länger bleiben können. Wolken blockieren nicht die UV-Strahlen. Nasse Kleidung erlaubt mehr UV durch als Trockene passiere...

Tips for the sun

"Tips for the sun It is important to use sun protection because the UV is harmful for the skin, both for children as well as adults. After a swim you should reapply sunscreen. You should apply sunscreen about 15 mins before exposure. It is to allow the product to dry and bond with the skin. Always use sun protection in sensitive ares like face, shoulders, chest and lips. Always keep in mind that the sun is dangerous. ----- CentreTravel " "Għajnuniet għall-xemx Huwa importanti li tintuża protezzjoni mix-xemx minħabba li l-UV huwa ta 'ħsara għall-ġilda, kemm għat-tfal kif ukoll adulti. Wara jgħum għandek terġa 'tapplika sunscreen. Għandek tapplika sunscreen dwar 15 minuta qabel l-espożizzjoni. Huwa huwa li jippermetti l-prodott tinxef u bond mal-ġilda. Dejjem uża protezzjoni mix-xemx f'ares sensittivi bħall-wiċċ, spallejn, sider u xufftejn. Dejjem wieħed iżomm f'moħħu li x-xemx hija perikolu...

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