Sweetcorn Soup
"Sweetcorn Soup 15g butter 1 onion, finely chopped 50g bacon, chopped 15g cornflour 300ml milk 350g frozen sweetcorn, thawed 300ml chicken stock salt and pepper Place butter, onion and bacon in a pot and cook for a few minutes. Blend cornflour and mikl and pour on onions and bacon. Whisk the sauce then add the sweetcorn and the stock. Put in blender and puree' until smooth. Garnish with some sweetcorn or parsley ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "Qamħirrum ħelu soppa butir 15g 1 basla, mqatta 'b'mod fin 50g bacon, mqatta 15g cornflour ħalib 300ml 350g qamħ ħelu iffriżat, imdewwba stokk tat-tiġieġ 300ml melħ u bżar Poġġi butir, basla u bacon fi pot u sajjar għal ftit minuti. Taħlita cornflour u Mikl u ferra fuq basal u bacon. Whisk l-zalza imbagħad żid il-qamħ ħelu u l-istokk. Poġġi fil-blender u l-puree ""sakemm bla xkiel. Garnish ma 'xi qamħ ħelu jew tursin ----- C...