
Showing posts from January 28, 2020


B&B Pizza Valentina - Specchia, Italy

B&B Pizza Valentina Via Fiume 119 Specchia  73040 Tel:   0833 / 539481 Cell:   333 / 7644783 E: W:

B&B Pittoresco Di Pizza Marco - Specchia, Italy

B&B Pittoresco Di Pizza Marco Via Fiume  96/A Specchia  73040

B&B Piazzetta San Giovanni Di Rizzo Alessandro - Specchia, Italy

B&B Piazzetta San Giovanni DiRizzo Alessandro Via Umberto 1  28 Specchia   73040 Tel:   0833/ 535244 Cell:   328 / 9496952 E:

Vigo - Italy

Those early inhabitants of Vigo lived in settlements such as the one that can be visited near O Castro.  The way of life changed with the arrival of the Romans.  As well as the settlements the Romans also built salt mines, and they exploited them for fish salting.  The wealth produced bythis activity and by the trade allowed them to buildluxury villas.   The most powerful men enjoyed all kind of facilities on it, including hot water and heating.   One can get a good idea of how life was during that period by visiting the Roman villa at Mirambell, in Canido, and the remains of the salt mine at Rua rosalia de Castro.  The modern name, Vigo, is also a legacy from Roman times:  Vicus - Village. Vigo continued to be a small village throughout the Middle Ages.   This period saw the emergence of the populated areas that we know today as Vigo rural parishes -  Bambribe, Coruxo, Castrelos etc, in which small Romanesque  churche...

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