
Showing posts from March 1, 2008



"Test Test ----- CentreTravel " "test test ----- CentreTravel " "Prüfung Prüfung ----- CentreTravel " "测试 测试 ----- CentreTravel " "Prueba Prueba ----- CentreTravel " "परीक्षा परीक्षा ----- CentreTravel " "اختبار اختبار ----- CentreTravel " "Teste Teste ----- CentreTravel " "পরীক্ষা পরীক্ষা ----- CentreTravel " "Тестовое задание Тестовое задание ----- CentreTravel " "テスト テスト ----- CentreTravel " "ਟੈਸਟ ਟੈਸਟ ----- CentreTravel https://centr...


"Fire One Sunday evening, driving home with my family, I noticed smoke rising from a roof of a house. So we raced to the nearest fire station to make our report. We even followed the fire engine to the house. After knocking hard and getting no answer, the firemen smashed the front door. I'm not sure who was the most surprised when they rushed to the roof - whether the family who was enjoying a barbecue or the firemen . ----- CentreTravel " "nar Wieħed Ħadd filgħaxija, sewqan dar mal-familja tiegħi, I ndunat duħħan jogħlew minn saqaf ta 'dar. Allura aħna ġrew lejn l-istazzjon tan-nar eqreb biex jagħmlu rapport tagħna. Aħna anke segwa l-magna nar għall-dar. Wara iħabbtu iebes u jkollna l-ebda risposta, il-pompiera smashed l-bieb ta 'quddiem. M'inix ċert li kien l-aktar sorpriż meta ġrew għall-saqaf - jekk il-familja li kienet qiegħda tgawdi barbecue jew l pompiera. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel...

A pen

"A pen When a woman finished her shopping, she went to the cashier to pay her bill. She began rummaging through her bag, as so many people do when they have a cheque to write. ""Do you need a pen?"" I asked, offering her mine. ""Yes, thank you,"" she replied. She took it, put it in her handbag and then paid in cash. ----- CentreTravel " "Pinna Meta mara lest xiri tagħha, hija marret lill-kaxxier li tħallas kont tagħha. Hija bdiet rummaging permezz borża tagħha, kif tant nies jagħmlu meta jkollhom kontroll li tikteb. ""Għandek bżonn pinna?"" I talab, li joffru minjiera tagħha. ""Iva, grazie,"" hija wieġbet. Hija ħadet dan, poġġih fil-ħendbeg tagħha u mbagħad imħallsa fi flus kontanti. ----- CentreTravel " "Ein Stift Wenn eine Frau ihren Einkauf beendet, ging sie an der Kasse ihre Rechnung zu bezahl...

Volunteer Work

"Volunteer Work When he retired, this man decided to visit patients in nursing homes and hospitals. He carried a keyboard and sang funny songs and told some jokes in the hope of making sick people feel better. At the end of his stay, he always said goodbye and ""I hope you get better"". One day one patient replied ""I hope you get better too, sir"" ----- CentreTravel " "voluntiera Xogħol Meta hu rtirati, dan il-bniedem iddeċieda li jżur pazjenti fl-djar u sptarijiet. Li wettaq tastiera u kanta kanzunetti umoristiċi u qal xi ċajt fil-tama ta 'teħid nies morda tħossok aħjar. Fl-aħħar tal-waqfa tiegħu, huwa dejjem qal addiju u ""nispera li inti tikseb aħjar"". Ġurnata waħda pazjent wieħed wieġbu ""Nittama ikollok aħjar wisq, sir"" ----- CentreTravel " "Freiwilligenarbeit Als er im Ruhestand, e...

Tomato festival

"Tomato Festival Every year, in August, in the Spanish town of Bunol, they celebrate the Tomato Festival. This is a two hour festival, which dates since 1945. It is held in a plaza, where tons of tomatoes are used. Both residents and tourists just throw these tomatoes all over the place. When a rocket is fired, it is the end of the festival. After all this the plaza is stained with ankle-deep crimson puree. Now it is time for residents and municipal staff to do the cleaning job. ----- CentreTravel " "tadam Festival Kull sena, f'Awissu, fil-belt Spanjola ta 'Bunol, huma tiċċelebra l-Festival tat-tadam. Dan huwa festival sagħtejn, li tmur mill-1945. Huwa miżmum fil-piazza, fejn tunnellata ta 'tadam huma użati. Kemm ir-residenti u turisti biss tarmi dawn tadam kollha fuq il-post. Meta rokit jiġi sparat tir, huwa l-aħħar tal-festival. Wara dan kollu l-piazza huwa mtebba bi-għaksa fond purejiet krimżi. Issa huwa...

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