
Showing posts from May 9, 2008



"Mousebirds Mousebirds are a family of peculiar South African fruit-eaters. ----- CentreTravel " "Mousebirds Mousebirds huma familja ta 'pekuljari Afrika t'Isfel frott eaters. ----- CentreTravel " "Maus Maus ist eine Familie von eigenartigen südafrikanischen Fruchtfressern. ----- CentreTravel " "Mousebirds Mousebirds特有南非水果为食的家庭。 ----- CentreTravel " "Mousebirds Mousebirds son una familia de comedores de fruta peculiares de Sudáfrica. ----- CentreTravel " "माउसबर्ड माउसबर्ड अजीब दक्षिण अफ्रीका के फल खाने वालों के एक परिवार के हैं। ----- CentreTravel " "Mousebirds Mousebirds هي عائلة من الفاكهة غريبة أكلة جنوب أفريقيا. ----- CentreTravel


"Lizards Lizards show many adaptations to particular environments. A typical member of the group is a lightly built reptile which runs on four legs. The slow-moving chameleon has opposable toes for gripping branches, and the burrowing ajolote of Mexico has lost its back legs. The draco can glide up to 15m on its membranous ""wings"". ----- CentreTravel " "gremxul Gremxul juru ħafna adattamenti għal ambjenti partikolari. Membru tipiku tal-grupp huwa rettili ħafif mibnija li timxi fuq erba 'saqajn. Il Chameleon miexja bil-mod għandha sieq opposti għall taqbad fergħat, u l-ajolote tħaffir tal-Messiku tilef saqajn lura tagħha. Il draco tista 'glide sa 15m fuq membrana tagħha ""ġwienaħ"". ----- CentreTravel " "Lizards Lizards zeigen viele Anpassungen an bestimmte Umgebungen. Ein typisches Mitglied der Gruppe ist ein ...

Strawberry Muffins

"Strawberry Muffins 2 1/2 cups flour 1/2 cup sugar 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1 1/2 cups margarine 2 eggs, beaten 1 tsp vanilla 1 pint fresh hulled and chopped strawberries Method: Pre-heat oven to 400F. Spray muffin tins or use paper cups. In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients. Make a well in the centre. Beat margarine and eggs and pour the liquid mixture including the strawberries in the flour well. Using a large spoon fold the ingredients until moist. Do not over mix. Spoon the batter into 12 muffin cups. Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes. ----- CentreTravel " "muffins frawli 2 1/2 tazzi dqiq zokkor 1/2 kikkra 2 Tsp trab tal-ħami 1 Tsp baking soda 1 1/2 tazzi marġerina 2 bajd, imsawta vanilla 1 Tsp 1 pinta imfesdqa frisk u frawli mqatta Metodu: forn Qabel l-sħana biex 400F. Spray laned muffin jew tazzi tal-karta l-użu. Fi skutella kbira, jikkombinaw ingredjenti xo...

Chicken with honey and soy

"Chicken with honey and soy For 2: 2 chicken breasts Light soy sauce juice of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon honey Oil fo wok 1 clove garlic Slice chicken breasts into finger-wide strips. Toss with 1 tablespoon soy sauce, lemon juice, honey. Heat up the wok with 1 tablespoon oil until it starts smoking. Fry a thinly sliced garlic and as soon as it starts to brown add the chicken. Stir fry for a few minutes over high heat. When golden, pour in the juices and allow to evaporate. Serve with warm pitta bread. ----- CentreTravel " "Tiġieġ bil-għasel u tas-sojja Għal 2: 2 sider tat-tiġieġa soy sauce dawl meraq tal-lumi 1 għasel 1 tablespoon Żejt fo wok 1 sinna tewm sider tat-tiġieġa porzjon fis strixxi finger kollha. Toss bl soy sauce tablespoon 1, meraq tal-lumi, għasel. Jisħnu l-wok ma 'żejt tablespoon 1 sakemm jibda t-tipjip. Fry tewm imqatta 'rqiq u hekk kif jibda kannella żid il-tiġieġ...

Home Storage guide for Cheese

"Home Storage guide for Cheese Cottage, fresh Ricotta: Refrigerate covered; use within 3 to 5 days Cream, Neufchatel, other soft varieties: Refrigerate, covered or tightly wrapped; use within 2 weeks. Cheddar, Emmenthal, other hard varieties: Refrigerate, tightly wrapped; will keep for several months unless mould develops. Cheese spreads and cheese foods: Store unopened jars at room temperature; after opening, refrigerate , tightly covered; will keep for several weeks ----- CentreTravel " "gwida Home Storage għall Ġobon Cottage, Ricotta frisk: Friġġ koperti; uża fi żmien 3 sa 5 ijiem Krema, Neufchatel, varjetajiet artab oħra: Friġġ, mgħotti jew sewwa mgeżwra; uża fi żmien 2 ġimgħat. Cheddar, Emmenthal, varjetajiet iebsa oħra: Friġġ, imgeżwer sewwa; se żżomm għal diversi xhur sakemm moffa jiżviluppa. firxiet ġobon u ikel ġobon: Aħżen vażetti mhux miftuħ f'temperatura tal-kamra; wara li jinfetaħ, friġġ...

Swedish Cabbage Rolls

"Swedish Cabbage Rolls 1 Lb minced beef 8 ozs minced pork 12 ozs rice, cooked 1 onioc, chopped 1 head white cabbage 8 fl ozs hot water. Tomato sauce Combine the beef, pork, rice and onion. Wilt the cabbage leaves by placing in boiling water for a few minutes. Place tablespoons of the mixture in each cabbage leaf and roll up securely. Place rolls in a casserole. Dot each with butter Pour tomato sauce over the rolls. Cook in a moderate oven (350F) Gas mark 4. Serves 6.. ----- CentreTravel " "Rolls Kaboċċi Svediżi 1 Lb kapuljat taċ-ċanga 8 ozs majjal ikkapuljat 12 ozs ross, imsajjar 1 onioc, mqatta 1 kaboċċi bojod ras 8 ozs FL ilma sħun. Polpa tat-tadam Għaqqad l ċanga, majjal, ross u basal. Dbiel il-weraq tal-kaboċċi billi tpoġġi fl-ilma jagħli għal ftit minuti. Poġġi imgħaref tat-taħlita f'kull werqa kaboċċi u roll up sikur. Poġġi rombli fi casserole. Dot kull wieħed bil-butir ...

Fresh Salmon and Pasta Salad

"Fresh Salmon and Pasta Salad 170 g pasta shells 1 medium carrot, finely chopped 2 sticks celery, finely chopped 250g ricotta cheese 1/2 tsp grated rind of lemon 1 tbsp lemon juice 5oo g salmon fillets Dressing: 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/4 cup olive oil 1 tsp chopped fresh dill Method: Add pasta to pan of boiling water, boil uncovered until just tender. Combine pasta, carrot, celery and ricotta, rind, sauce and juice in bowl; cover, refrigerate 1 hour. Cook salmon in greased heavy-based pan or on a well greased barbecue plate until tender. Remove skin from salmon; break salmon into pieces. Top pasta salad with salmon, drizzle with dressing. Dressing: Combine all ingredients in a screw-top jar; shake well. Serves 4. ----- CentreTravel " "Salamun Frisk u insalata Għaġin 170 qxur g għaġin 1 zunnarija medju, mqatta 'b'mod fin 2 bsaten karfus, mqatta 'b'mod fin ġobon rikotta 25...

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