
Showing posts from April 17, 2008


The Banana Joke

"The Banana Joke A man went to the zoo. ""What do you think you're doing?"" said the zookeeper to the visitor throwing £5 notes into the monkey's cage. ""That sign says Do not feed these animals banana. £5 fine, "" explained the man. ----- CentreTravel " "Il Joke Banana Raġel marru għall-zoo. ""What do you think li qed tagħmel?"" qal li l-zookeeper għall-viżitatur jitfg £ 5 noti fil-gaġġa-xadini s. ""Dan is-sinjal jgħid Ma għalf dawn l-annimali tal-banana. £ 5 multa,"" spjega l-bniedem. ----- CentreTravel " "Der Banana-Witz Ein Mann ging in den Zoo. ""Was denkst du eigentlich, was Du hier machst?"" sagte der Tierpfleger den Besucher in den Affenkäfig £ 5 Anmerkungen zu werfen. „Das Zeichen sagt nicht, diese Tiere Bananen füttern. £ 5 in Ordnung“, den Mann erklä...

Middle Age

"Middle Age Youth tends to look ahead. Old age tends to look back. Middle age tends to look worried. ----- CentreTravel " "Età Nofsani Żgħażagħ tendenza li tħares 'l quddiem. xjuħija tendenza li tħares lura. età tan-nofs tendenza li tħares inkwetat. ----- CentreTravel " "Mittleres Alter Jugend neigt nach vorne zu schauen. Alter neigt, zurück zu blicken. Das mittlere Alter neigt sich Sorgen zu suchen. ----- CentreTravel " "中年 青少年往往会向前看。 晚年往往回头。 中年就显得不那么担心。 ----- CentreTravel " "Mediana edad La juventud tiende a mirar hacia adelante. La vejez tiende a mirar hacia atrás. la edad media tiende a parecer preocupado. ----- CentreTravel " "मध्यम आयु युवा आगे देखने के लिए जाता है। बुढ़ापा वापस देखो जाता है। मध...

Modern Times

Nowadays, in this topsy-turvy worlr, it is now the custom to go out to dinner and stay at home to watch a film.

Modern Times

"Modern Times Nowadays, in this Topsy-turvy world, it is now the custom to go out to dinner and stay at home to watch a film. ----- CentreTravel " "Times moderna Illum, f'din id-dinja Topsy-turvy, issa huwa l-użanza li jmorru lil pranzu u jibqgħu d-dar jaraw film. ----- CentreTravel " "Moderne Zeiten Heutzutage in dieser verkehrten Welt, es ist jetzt der Brauch zum Abendessen zu gehen und zu Hause zu bleiben einen Film ansehen. ----- CentreTravel " "现代 如今,在这个颠倒的世界,现在是习惯外出吃饭,留在家中 看个电影。 ----- CentreTravel " "Tiempos modernos Hoy en día, en este mundo al revés, ahora es la costumbre de salir a cenar y quedarse en casa para ver una película. ----- CentreTravel " "आधुनिक समय आजकल, इस दुनिया उलझन में, यह अब रात के ख...

Dog Joke

"Dog Joke A boy was walking his dog. A policeman passed by and asked the boy if his dog had a licence. ""Oh no"" the boy answered ""The dog is not 18 years yet "" ----- CentreTravel " "Dog Joke A boy kien mixi kelb tiegħu. A pulizija għadda minn u talab lill-tifel jekk il-kelb tiegħu kellhom liċenzja. ""Oh no"" il-boy wieġeb ""Il-klieb mhux 18-il sena għadhom"" ----- CentreTravel " "Dog Joke Ein Junge war zu Fuß sein Hund. Ein Polizist vorbei und fragte den Jungen, ob sein Hund eine Lizenz hatte. „Oh nein“, antwortete der Junge „Der Hund nicht mehr als 18 Jahren noch“ ----- CentreTravel " "狗笑话 一个男孩走他的狗。 通过并通过一个警察问男孩,如果他的狗有一个许可证。 “哦,不。”男孩回答“狗是未满18年” ----- CentreTravel " "Broma perro Un...

For Farfalle Salmone

"Butterflies For Salmon In the salmon farfalle ""soak"" means MARINATED ----- CentreTravel " "Friefet Għall Salamun Fil-farfalle salamun ""soak"" tfisser Immarinat ----- CentreTravel " "Schmetterlinge für Lachs In dem Lachs Farfalle „einweichen“ bedeutet MARINIEREN ----- CentreTravel " "蝴蝶鲑鱼 在鲑鱼farfalle“泡”是指凉菜 ----- CentreTravel " "Mariposas para el salmón En el farfalle de salmón ""remojo"" significa MARINADOS ----- CentreTravel " "सामन के लिए तितलियों सामन farfalle में ""सोख"" मसालेदार का मतलब ----- CentreTravel " "الفراشات على سمك السلمون في فرفال السلمون ""نقع"" يعني منقع ----- Ce...

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