
Showing posts from March 10, 2008


Fast Healthy Breakfast Recipe

"Fast Healthy Breakfast Recipe This recipe takes only 60 seconds in a microwave. It is called ""Banana and cranberry porridge"" How to prepare: Mix oats and milk, preferably skimmed milk, in a heat-proof bowl and microwave for 60 seconds. Stir in sliced banana and microwave for another 60 seconds. Sprinkle with 1 tsp of dried cranberries and serve. ----- CentreTravel " "Fast Healthy Breakfast Ricetta Dan riċetta jieħu biss 60 sekonda fil-microwave. Din tissejjaħ ""Banana u cranberry poriġ"" Kif tipprepara: Ħallat ħafur u ħalib, preferibbilment ħalib xkumat, fi skutella prova bis-sħana u microwave għal 60 sekonda. Ħawwad fil-banana imqatta u microwave għal ieħor 60 sekonda. Sprinkle ma 1 Tsp ta cranberries imnixxef u jservu. ----- CentreTravel " "Schnell Gesundes Frühstück Rezept Dieses Rezept dauert nur 60 Sekunden in der Mikrowelle. ...

A strange rat

"A strange rat A strange rat when entering a colony may be subjected to social stress, severe enough to prove fatal. It may not have suffered any physical injury. ----- CentreTravel " "A far stramba A far stramba meta jidħlu kolonja jistgħu jkunu suġġetti għal stress soċjali, severi biżżejjed biex jipprova fatali. Ma jista 'jkun sofra xi ħsara fiżika. ----- CentreTravel " "Eine seltsame Ratte Eine seltsame Ratte, wenn eine Kolonie eintritt, kann zu sozialem Stress, schwer genug ausgesetzt wird fatal erweisen. Es kann keine körperlichen Verletzungen erlitten hat. ----- CentreTravel " "一个奇怪的老鼠 一个奇怪的大鼠进入集落时可能经受社会压力,严重到足以证明是致命的。它可能没有受到任何身体伤害。 ----- CentreTravel " "Una extraña rata Una rata extraña al entrar en una colonia puede ser sometido a estrés social, suficientemente grave com...

Rats Competition

"Rats Competition Two male rats in competition for a female threaten (1) attack ( 2) and bite each other (3) a female not in heat (4) rejects a male but submits (5) when she is in heat (oestrus) ----- CentreTravel " "firien Kompetizzjoni Żewġ firien irġiel fil-kompetizzjoni għal mara jheddu (1) attakk (2) u gidma xulxin (3) mara mhux fil-sħana (4) tirrifjuta maskili iżda tqis (5) meta hija fil-sħana (estru) ----- CentreTravel " "Ratten-Wettbewerb Zwei männlichen Ratten im Wettbewerb für eine Frau bedrohen (1) Angriff (2) und beißen sie (3) ein Weibchen nicht in Wärme (4) ein männliches lehnt aber geltend, (5), wenn sie in Wärme (Brunst) ----- CentreTravel " "大鼠大赛 两个雄性大鼠在争夺女性威胁(1)攻击(2)互相撕咬(3)女性不热(4)拒绝男性,但提交(5)当她是热(发情期) ----- CentreTravel " "Las ratas Competencia Dos ratas macho en la...

Puffer Fish

"Puffer Fish The ability to blow themselves up when danger threatens has given the puffer fish their name. Puffers tend to be aggressive but fights between individuals seldom promptfull distension. ----- CentreTravel " "Puffer Ħut Il-ħila li blow ruħhom meta periklu thedded ta lill-ħut Puffer isem tagħhom. Puffers għandhom tendenza li jkunu aggressivi iżda tissielet bejn individwi rari promptfull nefħa. ----- CentreTravel " "Kugelfisch Die Fähigkeit, sich selbst in die Luft sprengen, wenn Gefahr droht, hat der Kugelfische ihren Namen gegeben. Kugelfische sind in der Regel aggressiv sein, sondern Kämpfe zwischen Individuen selten promptfull Aufblähung. ----- CentreTravel " "河豚鱼 吹自己了,当危险来临的能力给予了河豚鱼而得名。河豚往往是积极的,但个人之间的战斗很少promptfull腹胀。 ----- CentreTravel " "Pez globo La capacidad de inm...

a quick friendly recipe

"a quick friendly recipe When friends come to your house unexpected, I find the best, cheapest and quickest is the following recipe. It is called ""Spaghetti with Anchovy sauce"" Ingredients: Spaghetti - 100 to 150 gm per person 4 anchovies from a tin six olives preferably black some olive oil 1 onion some tomato paste or puree. Anchovy Sauce: Fry onion in some olive oil; when golden add the stoned and chopped olives together with the chopped anchovies. Finally add the tomato paste or puree and some hot water. Let mixture simmer. Meanwhile, prepare a pan with salted water and cook spaghetti. Strain pasta, when cooked. Pour into a pan, put spaghetti then pour sauce over, mix and serve. It is delicious, cheap and an attractive dish for a house warming party. ----- CentreTravel " "riċetta faċli malajr Meta l-ħbieb jaslu għal dar tiegħek mhux mistennija, nsib l-aħjar, irħas u aktar rapida huwa l-riċett...

Election day menu

"Election day menu Election day in our island, is taken very seriously. It is good to serve your family and friends a light and easy meal. The recipe is warm and full of vitamins. This soup is called ""Minestra"" meaning vegetable soup. If you use fresh vegetables, the taste is great. Ingredients are all kinds of vegetables in season, those mostly used are: Pumpkin,Gourds, Kohlrabi, carrots, onions, potatoes and marrow. Salt and pepper to taste. Method: Prepare the vegetables by chopping them into small pieces. Wash thoroughly. Place the ingredients in a large pot and some water. When vegetables are done, mash slightly. To serve: I like to add ready cooked haricot beans or little cooked macaroni. Some grated cheese. ----- CentreTravel " "Elezzjoni jum menu jum l-elezzjoni fil-gżira tagħna, tittieħed bis-serjetà ħafna. Huwa tajjeb li jservu familja u ħbieb tiegħek dawl u smida faċli. Il-riċetta hija sħu...

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