
Showing posts from May 25, 2008



"Ribbonfish A family of slender bodied marine fish with highly protrusible mouths and jaws. The narrow and compressed body is also elongated, that is why its name is Ribbonfish. The dorsal fin extends from head to tail. The anal fin is missing and the caudal fin is upturned in a fan-like fashion and composed of several webbed long rays. ----- CentreTravel " "ribbonfish Familja ta 'ħut tal-baħar diżabilità Slender ma ħluq protrusible ħafna u xedaq. Il-korp dejqa u kompressata huwa wkoll tawwalija, huwa għalhekk l-isem tagħha huwa Ribbonfish. Il ġewnaħ tad-dahar testendi minn ras għal denb. Il-pinen anali hija nieqsa u l-denb huwa upturned b'mod fann like u magħmul minn diversi raġġi twal webbed. ----- CentreTravel " "ribbon Eine Familie von schlanken Körper Meeresfische mit sehr protrusible Mund und Rachen. Der schmale und Druckkörper ist auch verlängert...

The Guitar fishes

"The  Guitar fishes The Guitar fishes are in the middle between sharks and rays. Their body is rounded and elongated. The mouth and gill openings are placed ventrally. The pectoral fins are broad and flat. The snout is also flattened and somewhat pointed. These fish are bottom-dwellers and possess closely packed small teeth lining the inside jaws. ----- CentreTravel " "-Ħut Guitar -Ħut Guitar fin-nofs bejn klieb il-baħar u raj. ġisem tagħhom huwa tond u tawwalija. Il-fetħiet ħalq u garġi huma mqiegħda ventrally. -Xewk pettorali huma wiesa 'u ċatt. Il geddum huwa wkoll ċċattjati u kemmxejn osservat. Dawn il-ħut huma qiegħ-residenti ta 'ħdejn u jippossjedu ppakkjati mill-qrib snien żgħar inforra-xedaq ġewwa. ----- CentreTravel " "Die Gitarre Fische Die Gitarre Fische sind in der Mitte zwischen Haien und Rochen. Ihr Körper ist abgerundet und länglich. ...


"Angelsharks The angelsharks inhabit sandy sea-beds which may be from only a few metres to over a hundred metres deep. They scavenge about lazily, consuming organic scraps and a variety of crustaceans, molluscs and fish which they can manage to catch up with. ----- CentreTravel " "Angelsharks Il angelsharks jgħixu bir-ramel tal-baħar sodod li tista 'tkun minn biss ftit metri għal fuq mijiet ta 'metri fonda. Huma scavenge dwar lazily, jikkunsmaw ruttam organiċi u varjetà ta 'krustaċji, molluski u l-ħut li jistgħu jirnexxilhom ilaħħqu ma '. ----- CentreTravel " "Engel Die Engel bewohnen sandigen Meeresboden, die aus nur wenigen Metern zu Ende sein kann ein hundert Meter tief. Sie fangen etwa träge, raubend organische Abfälle und eine Vielzahl von Krebstieren, Muscheln und Fische, die sie verwalten können, um aufzuholen. ----- CentreTravel https...

Stir-fry Mussels

"Stir-fry Mussels 150g cleaned mussels 1 tbsp olive oil 15g onion garlic 20 ml white wine Basil 80g coloured peppers 10g coriander In a wok pan, stir-fry onion, garlic peppers and mussels for 2 minutes. Pour in the white wine and reduce by half. Cook the mussels until open. Be careful not to overcook. Toss in herbs before serving. ----- CentreTravel " "Ħawwad-fry Maskli 150g maskli mnaddfa 1 tbsp żejt taż-żebbuġa 15g basla tewm 20 ml inbid abjad Basile bżar 80g kkulurita 10g kosbor Fil-livell pan wok, ħawwad-fry basla, bżar tewm u maskli għal 2 minuti. Ferra fl-inbid abjad u jnaqqsu bin-nofs. Cook-maskli sa l miftuħin. Oqgħod attent li ma overcook. Toss fil-ħxejjex aromatiċi qabel jservu. ----- CentreTravel " "Rühren braten Muscheln 150g gereinigt Muscheln 1 EL Olivenöl 15g Zwiebel Knoblauch 20 ml Weißwein Basilikum 80g...

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