"Ribbonfish A family of slender bodied marine fish with highly protrusible mouths and jaws. The narrow and compressed body is also elongated, that is why its name is Ribbonfish. The dorsal fin extends from head to tail. The anal fin is missing and the caudal fin is upturned in a fan-like fashion and composed of several webbed long rays. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "ribbonfish Familja ta 'ħut tal-baħar diżabilità Slender ma ħluq protrusible ħafna u xedaq. Il-korp dejqa u kompressata huwa wkoll tawwalija, huwa għalhekk l-isem tagħha huwa Ribbonfish. Il ġewnaħ tad-dahar testendi minn ras għal denb. Il-pinen anali hija nieqsa u l-denb huwa upturned b'mod fann like u magħmul minn diversi raġġi twal webbed. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "ribbon Eine Familie von schlanken Körper Meeresfische mit sehr protrusible Mund und Rachen. Der schmale und Druckkörper ist auch verlängert...