Ragusa, capital of the most south province of Italy, located on the Iblei mounts, its latitude is lower than Tunis. Its population is 70, 000 habitants, and its territory extension is 44,200 acres . History Scenes: Ragusa, called "Hybla", existed already in Sicilian age, as it proves the tombs of the Golfalone Valley and also the funerary finds conserved in the local Archaeological Museum. It was occupied by the Greeks, Romans, Byzantine, Arabs and in the Norman period it reached its splendour. UNESCO Recognition: Ragusa was completely destroyed by the earthquake in 1693 (the whole "Val di Noto" was hit), and its reconstruction represents the most significant example of double reality from the urban point of view: the one from Ibla, result of various functional adaptions of the old town on the hill and the one from Ragusa, founded after 1693, rare example of new planning with a street net according to the criteria that inspired the baroque t...