
Showing posts from April 20, 2008


Milk tooth joke

"Milk tooth joke My son has been encouraged to leave his milk teeth under his pillow for the tooth fairy to exchange for a coin. One morning I found the following wrapped around the last offering: ""Mum- please could you send the tooth money direct to my account."" ----- CentreTravel " "Ħalib ċajta snien My son kien mħeġġa biex jitilqu snien tal-ħalib tiegħu taħt investi tiegħu għall-fairy snien biex skambju għal munita. Wieħed filgħodu sibt dawn li ġejjin imgeżwer madwar l-aħħar offerta: ""Mum- jekk jogħġbok tista inti tibgħat il-flus snien dirett lill-kont tiegħi."" ----- CentreTravel " "Milchzahn Witz Mein Sohn wurde ermutigt, seine Milchzähne unter seinem Kopfkissen für die Zahnfee zu lassen Austausch für eine Münze. Ein Morgens fand ich das um das letzte Angebot gewickelte folgenden: „Mum- könnten Sie bitte den Zahn ...

The birthday joke

"The birthday joke To celebrate my father's birthday, my relatives gathered at a favourite restaurant. As we were led to our table, my mother mentioned the birthday to the waiter. So five staff wearing national dress, began dancing round the table. When the presentation was over, one waitress came forward and asked, ""So, who's the birthday boy?"" ""He's not here,"" my uncle replied. ""He's gone to the gents."" ----- CentreTravel " "L-ċajta birthday Biex jiċċelebra għeluq tiegħi missier, qraba tiegħi miġbura fil-restorant favoriti. Kif konna wassal għall-mejda tagħna, ommi semma l-għeluq għall-wejter. Allura ħamsa persunal liebes libsa nazzjonali, beda żfin madwar il-mejda. Meta l-preżentazzjoni kien fuq, wejtress wieħed ippreżentaw rwieħhom u staqsa, ""Allura, li hija l-birthday tifel? "" ""Huwa mhux haw...

My song joke

"My song joke Standing at the bus stop, I was listening to music on earphones and reading the newspaper,when a man with his head close to mine, reading the paper over my shoulder. I curtly told him how much he was annoying me and I'd be happy to give him money to buy his own paper. ""But I wasn't reading your paper,"" the man replied apologetically. ""You were playing my favourite song."" ----- CentreTravel " "Joke kanzunetta tiegħi Wieqfa fil-bus stop, I kien jisimgħu l-mużika fuq earphones u l-qari tal-gazzetta, meta raġel bir-ras mill-qrib għall-mini tiegħu, qari tal-karta fuq l-ispalla tiegħi. I curtly qallu kemm kien tedjanti lili u I d jkunu kuntenti li jagħtih flus biex jixtru tiegħu karta stess. ""Imma jien ma kien qari karta tiegħek,"" il-bniedem wieġbu apologetically. ""You kienu jilagħbu tiegħi kanzunetta favoriti. "...

Ding-a-ling-a-ling joke

"Ding-a-ling-a-ling joke At the solemn moment of conceration of the bread and wine, the server normally rings some hand bells. As this eight year old boy had left his bells in the vestry. So instead of remaining silent. He decided to shout in a loud voice, ""Ding-a-ling-a ling"" ----- CentreTravel " "Ding-a-linarda-a-linarda ċajta Fil-mument solenni tal conceration tal-ħobż u l-inbid, il-server normalment ċrieki xi qniepen idejn. Peress li din tmien snin boy kienu telqu qniepen tiegħu fil-vestry. Allura minflok ma jibqa sieket. Huwa ddeċieda li shout fi leħen qawwi, ""Ding-a-linarda-a linarda"" ----- CentreTravel " "Ding-a-ling-a-ling Witz An dem feierlichen Moment der conceration von Brot und Wein, Ringe der Server normalerweise einig Handglocken. Da diese acht Jahre alten Jungen, der seine Glocken in der Sakristei ver...

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