Olive Oil
"Olive Oil There are two kind of Olive Oil. One is called ""Extra virgin oil"". This is called so, because it comes from the first pressing. Apart from having more nutrients, it is heavier than ordinary Olive oil. This is mainly used on salads and on pasta to be able to enjoy its benefits. The other oil is called ""Ordinary Olive Oil"" Although more healthy than other ordinary oils. It is less expensive than the Extra So one uses it more for cooking and frying. Besides benefits in healthy eating, one can use Olive oil as a moisturiser. Here is the way to use it. It is mostly used for dry skin. So for dry skin, use olive oil to moisturise the face and neck. Add a drop of lavender or other essential oil to give it a fragrance ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "Żejt taż-żebbuġa Hemm żewġ tip ta 'Żejt taż-Żebbuġa. Wieħed huwa msejjaħ ""żejt verġni Extra"". Din tiss...