
Showing posts from July 7, 2008


Baked Stuffed Spareribs

"Baked Stuffed Spareribs Select a whole sparerib or part of two, so that one part can be laid over the other. Have the breast bone cracked so that you can cut between the ribs when cooked. Rub 1 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper to each pound. Spread prune or apple stuffing over larger piece. Cover with another part. Fasten with small skewers. Bake in moderate oven(350F Mark 4) 1 1/2 hours. Allow 3/4 to 1 pound ribs per person. If necessary, to prevent burning, pour 4 tbsp water in pan. ----- CentreTravel " "Moħmija mimli spareribs Ċikli relatati mad-sparerib kollu jew parti minnu tnejn, b'tali mod li parti waħda jistgħu jiġu stabbiliti fuq l-ieħor. Ittieħdu l-għadam tas-sider maqsum sabiex inti tista 'tnaqqas bejn l-istrixxi meta imsajjar. Għorok 1 Tsp melħ u 1/4 Tsp bżar għal kull lira. Ifrex pruna jew mili tat-tuffieħ fuq biċċa akbar. Għatti bi parti oħra. Jitħaffew ma skewers żgħar. Bake fil-for...

Hints about stuffed Eggs

"Hints about stuffed Eggs Hard-boiled eggs should be cooked in water just below boiling point for 12 to 15 minutes. If the eggs are taken directly from refrigerator start them cold or luke-warm water. Hot water may crack the shells. When done, chill in cold water to prevent darkening of the yolks and to make shelling easier. Cut the eggs in half lengthwise, or if you want crosswise, cut a small piece off the bottom to form a flat base. Remove the yolks and put through a sieve or mash with fork. Combine with seasonings and refill the whites of eggs. Garnish the filled eggs. ----- CentreTravel " "Ħjiel Bajd dwar mimli bajd iebes mgħolli għandhom jissajru ilma eżatt taħt punt tat-togħlija għal 12 sa 15 minuta. Jekk il-bajd huma meħuda direttament minn friġġ tibda minnhom ilma kiesaħ jew sħun-Luqa. Ilma sħun jista 'jixxaqqaq-qxur. Meta jsir, chill fl-ilma kiesaħ biex jipprevjenu skura tal-isfra u biex jagħm...

Pink Dip for Prawns

"Pink Dip for Prawns 8 fluid ounces mayonnaise 1 tsp chilli sauce 3 tbsp tomato ketchup 2 tbs horseradish 2 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice Few grains of cayenne pepper or a dash of Tabasco sauce Combine all ingredients and chill thoroughly. ----- CentreTravel " "Dip roża għall-Gambli 8 uqija fluwida mayonnaise 1 Tsp zalza tal-bżar aħmar ketchup tat-tadam 3 tbsp horseradish 2 TBS ħall 2 tbsp jew meraq tal-lumi ħbub ta 'ftit bżar CAYENNE jew sing ta' zalza Tabasco Għaqqad l-ingredjenti kollha u chill sewwa. ----- CentreTravel " "Rosa Dip für Garnelen 8 Flüssigunzen Mayonnaise 1 tsp Chilisauce 3 EL Tomatenketchup 2 EL Meerrettich 2 EL Essig oder Zitronensaft Ein paar Körner von Cayennepfeffer oder eine Prise Tabasco-Sauce Alle Zutaten und Chill gründlich. ----- CentreTravel " "大虾浸粉红色 8液体盎司蛋黄...

Healthy Stuffed Tomatoes

"Healthy Stuffed Tomatoes 6 large tomatoes 200g ricotta cheese 1 small onion chopped 50g cooked ham, chopped salt, pepper , some chives watercress Cut off tops of each tomato and reserve for (lids). Spoon out the flesh, discard the pips and juice. Mix together the ricotta cheese, ham, onion and tomato pulp. Season to taste. Spoon the mixture into the tomato shells and replace the (lids). Serve garnished with watercress. ----- CentreTravel " "Healthy mimli Tadam 6 tadam kbar ġobon rikotta 200g 1 basla żgħar mqatta 50g imsajjar perżut, mqatta melħ, bżar, xi kurrat krexxuni Cut off tops ta 'kull tadam u riżerva għal (għotjien). Mgħarfa l-laħam, armi l-żerriegħa u meraq. Ħallat flimkien il-ġobon rikotta, perżut, basal u tadam polpa. Staġun għall-togħma. Mgħarfa-taħlita fil-qxur tadam u jissostitwixxi l-(għotjien). Iservu imżejjen bil krexxuni. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel...

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