"Lettuce Lettuce, as you know, is one of the most common vegetables. One cup of lettuce contains only fifteen calories. When we choose lettuce, it has to be bright and crisp. With lettuce, we make very good salad. One of my favourite recipe, using lettuce, is soup. LETTUCE SOUP 1 onion, finely chopped 1 potato, cut in quarters. 1 carrot, halved 500 ml chicken stock pinch of nutmeg salt and pepper Method: Place all ingredients in a pot. Let boil till all vegetables are cooked. When cooked, pour into a blender, or food processor, and blend until smooth. Cover soup and cook for another few minutes. To Serve: I like to serve it garnished with croutons or toasted bread. Serves 2. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "ħass Ħass, kif tafu, huwa wieħed mill-ħxejjex l-aktar komuni. tazza ta 'ħass fiha biss ħmistax kaloriji. Meta nagħżlu ħass, għandu ikun ileqq u iqarmeċ. Bil ħass, nagħmlu insalata tajba ħafna. Wieħed mill riċetta...