An Italian Lesson
"An Italian Lesson Well, we were on holiday in Italy. Two Italian friends invited us for a drive into the nearby mountains. When we arrived, we went out of the car to admire the view better. Our Italian friends spread a cloth on the grass. We thought it was for us to sit on as we were their guests. Do you know what happened? They sat comfortably on the cloth on the grass, and left us standing beside them. ----- CentreTravel " "L Lezzjoni Taljan Ukoll, konna fuq vaganza fl-Italja. Żewġ ħbieb Taljan mistiedna magħna għal sewqan fil-qrib muntanji. Meta wasalna, aħna marru barra tal-karozza biex jammiraw l-opinjoni aħjar. Taljan tagħna ħbieb mifruxa drapp fuq il-ħaxix. Ħsibna li kien għalina biex ipoġġu fuq kif konna mistednin tagħhom. Taf dak li ġara? Huma sib kumdità fuq il-drapp fuq il-ħaxix, u ħallewna wieqfa ħdejn minnhom. ----- CentreTravel " "Eine italienische L...