Cherasco, a medieval town situated on a plateau overlooking the "Langa" and the Alps, surrounded by a star-shaped bastion, built like a Roman fortress. Cherasco is still nowadays residence of artists and place for curious and demanding tourists. 1. Athena Club 2. Borra abbigliamento 3. Brozzetti Antichita' 4. Cartolibreeria Vanni e Mary 5. Casa Cosi' 6. Evvivanoe' galleria d'arte 7. Fantasie in fiore 8. Foto Bruno 9. Imm. La Sequoia 10. Imm.L' Antica Cherasco 11. La Mimosa abbigliamento 12. Marengo Gibielli 13. Monchio Salotti 14. Clotilde Lunelli 15. Oasi Erboristeria