
Showing posts from March 30, 2008


Pasta and Tuna Salad

"Pasta and Tuna Salad 225 gr dried pasta bows or shells Boiling water 1 x 200 gm tuna tin 1 green or red pepper, cored, seeded and chopped 4 sticks celery, chopped 100 gr black olives Dressing: 2 tbs mustard 2 tbs white wine vinegar 2 tbs ricotta or single cream Boil pasta. Drain and cool under running water. Drain oil from tuna and reserve. Flake the tuna into chunks and add to pasta with the pepper, celery and olives. Blend the reserved tuna oil with the mustard, vinegar and cream or ricotta. Toss the salad ingredients. Serve garnished with fresh parsley or mint. ----- CentreTravel " "Għaġin u Tonn insalata 225 gr pruwi għaġin niexef jew qxur ilma jagħli 1 x 200 gm landa tonn 1 bżar aħdar jew aħmar, mingħajr il-qalba, miżruha u mqatta 4 bsaten karfus, imqatta 100 żebbuġ iswed gr dressing: mustarda 2 TBS 2 TBS ħall inbid abjad rikotta 2 TBS jew krema wieħed għaġin jagħli. Ixxott...

Potted Shrimps

"Potted Shrimps You need: 175 gr butter, cut into small pieces 350 gr peeled shrimps salt cayenne pepper Method: Place the butter in a pan and heat until melted. Add the shrimps, salt and pepper, blending well. Pour into a serving bowl and chill to set. Serve with warm wholemeal toast and lemon wedges. Serves 4 ----- CentreTravel " "mħawla Gambli Ikollok bżonn: 175 gr butir, imqatta 'f'biċċiet żgħar 350 gr gambli imqaxxar melħ bżar CAYENNE Metodu: Poġġi l-butir fil-livell pan u saħħan sakemm idub. Żid il-gambli, melħ u bżar, taħlit sew. Ferra fi skutella li jservu u chill jiġu stabbiliti. Iservu ma sħun wholemeal toast u lumi kunjardi. jservi 4 ----- CentreTravel " "Potted Shrimps Sie benötigen: 175 g Butter, in kleine Stücke geschnitten 350 gr geschälte Garnelen Salz- Cayenne Pfeffer Methode: Legen Sie die Butter in einer Pfanne u...

Ravens and other birds.

"Ravens and other birds. Ravens and other birds have been found capable of counting up to seven. Presented with a series of marks, they can associate these with the same number of marks in a box containing a reward. ----- CentreTravel " "Ravens u għasafar oħra. Ravens u għasafar oħrajn instabu kapaċi jingħaddu sa sebgħa. Ippreżentat ma 'serje ta' trade marks, jistgħu jassoċjaw dawn bl-istess numru ta 'marki fil kaxxa li fiha premju. ----- CentreTravel " "Raben und andere Vögel. Raben und andere Vögel haben die Lage zu zählen bis zu sieben gefunden. Präsentierte mit einer Reihe von Marken, können sie diese mit der gleichen Anzahl von Marken assoziieren in eine Schachtel, eine Belohnung enthält. ----- CentreTravel " "乌鸦和其他鸟类。 乌鸦和其他鸟类已被发现能够数到七。 有一系列的商标提出的,它们可以在相同数量的标记关联这些 含有奖励一个盒子。 ----- CentreTravel ...

Sea Cows

"Sea Cows Sea cows of the order Sirenia inhabit coastal waters and estuaries. They can grow from 2.5 to 4 cm in length. Each family, Dugongidae and Trichechidae has but one genius. ----- CentreTravel " "Baqar tal-baħar baqar tal-baħar ta 'l-ordni Sirenia jgħixu ilmijiet kostali u estwarji. Huma jistgħu jikbru minn 2.5 sa 4 ċm fit-tul. Kull familja, Dugongidae u Trichechidae għandha iżda ġenju wieħed. ----- CentreTravel " "Seekühe Seekühe der Ordnung Sirenia bewohnen Küstengewässer und Flussmündungen. Sie können von 2,5 bis 4 cm in der Länge wachsen. Jede Familie, Dugongidae und Trichechidae haben aber ein Genie. ----- CentreTravel " "海牛 顺序海牛的海牛栖息于近海海域和河口。 他们可以从长2.5〜4厘米长。 每个家庭,儒艮科和Trichechidae有只有一个天才。 ----- CentreTravel " "Las vacas marinas vacas marinas del o...

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