The grey Whales
"The grey Whales The grey whales are confined to the North Pacific. There are two populations, one living on eastern side and one on the western side. From the northern seas they migrate south in winter to breed in shallow, warmer seas off Baja California and South Korea. They feed on plankton, which they strain from the water by means of baleen plates in their mouths. ----- CentreTravel " "Il Balieni griż L-balieni griżi huma limitati għall-Paċifiku tat-Tramuntana. Hemm żewġ popolazzjonijiet, għajxien wieħed fuq naħa tal-lvant u waħda fuq in-naħa tal-punent. Mill-ibħra tat-Tramuntana li jemigraw nofsinhar fix-xitwa biex razza fil baxx, f'ibħra iktar sħan off Baja California u l-Korea t'Isfel. Huma l-għalf fuq il-plankton, li huma razza mill-ilma permezz ta 'pjanċi baleen fil tagħhom ħluq. ----- CentreTravel " "Die grauen Wale Die Grauwale sind an...