
Showing posts from May 16, 2008


The grey Whales

"The grey Whales The grey whales are confined to the North Pacific. There are two populations, one living on eastern side and one on the western side. From the northern seas they migrate south in winter to breed in shallow, warmer seas off Baja California and South Korea. They feed on plankton, which they strain from the water by means of baleen plates in their mouths. ----- CentreTravel " "Il Balieni griż L-balieni griżi huma limitati għall-Paċifiku tat-Tramuntana. Hemm żewġ popolazzjonijiet, għajxien wieħed fuq naħa tal-lvant u waħda fuq in-naħa tal-punent. Mill-ibħra tat-Tramuntana li jemigraw nofsinhar fix-xitwa biex razza fil baxx, f'ibħra iktar sħan off Baja California u l-Korea t'Isfel. Huma l-għalf fuq il-plankton, li huma razza mill-ilma permezz ta 'pjanċi baleen fil tagħhom ħluq. ----- CentreTravel " "Die grauen Wale Die Grauwale sind an...


"Kingfishers Kingfishers, hornbills and bee-eaters are three of the nine families in the order Coraciformes. ----- CentreTravel " "kingfishers Kingfishers, buċeri u tan-naħal eaters huma tlieta mid-disa 'familji fl-ordni Coraciformes. ----- CentreTravel " "Eisvögel Eisvögel, Nashornvögel und Bienenfresser sind drei der neun Familien in der Reihenfolge Racken. ----- CentreTravel " "翠鸟 翠鸟,犀鸟和食蜂三个顺序九个家庭 Coraciformes。 ----- CentreTravel " "kingfishers Martín pescador, cálaos y abejarucos son tres de las nueve familias en el orden Coraciformes. ----- CentreTravel " "किंगफिशर किंगफिशर, hornbills और मधुमक्खी खाने वालों क्रम में नौ परिवारों में से तीन हैं Coraciformes। ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot....

The Cuckoo

"The Cuckoo The Cuckoo belongs to the larger of two families that make up the order Cuculiformes ----- CentreTravel " "il Cuckoo Il Cuckoo jappartjeni għall-akbar ta 'żewġ familji li jiffurmaw l Cuculiformes ordni ----- CentreTravel " "der Kuckuck Der Kuckuck gehört zu den größeren von zwei Familien, die die Ordnung Cuculiformes bilden ----- CentreTravel " "杜鹃 杜鹃属于较大的两个家庭组成的顺序鹃形目 ----- CentreTravel " "el cuco El cuco pertenece a la mayor de las dos familias que conforman las Cuculiformes orden ----- CentreTravel " "कोयल कोयल बड़ा के दो परिवारों है कि आदेश कचुलिफोर्मेस बनाने के अंतर्गत आता है ----- CentreTravel " "الوقواق الوقواق ينتمي إلى أكبر اثنين من العائلات التي تشكل واقواقيات...

5. Healthy fast food

5. Healthy fast food

"5. Healthy fast food Short of time? Don't opt for unhealthy takeaways and fast food. Rustle up a nutritious meal in 20 minutes or less with just a few healthy ingredients. Some fast good dishes: 1. Coat a salmon or chicken fillet in pesto and bake for 15-20 minutes - serve with potatoes, spinach and courgettes. 2. Toss cooked wholegrain pasta with a jar of ready-made tomato pasta sauce and some chopped anchovies or some prawns. 3. Make an omelette with a filling such as garlic mushrooms, red peppers and put into omelette while it's cooking. Serve with salad. Or put omelette in warm pitta bread to eat on the go. Serve a smoked mackerel fillet, hot or cold with watercress and potato salad. ----- CentreTravel " "5. fast food Healthy Qasir ta 'żmien? Ma jagħżlu għal takeaways ħżiena għas-saħħa u fast food. Rustle up ikla nutrittivi fil-20 minuta jew inqas biss bi ftit ingredjenti b'saħħithom....

4. Eat protein for weight loss

"4. Eat protein for weight loss Combining slow-releasing carbs with protein will slow down the rate your food is absorbed. "" This helps to balance your blood sugar,"" explains the nutritionist. ""When your blood sugar is stable, you are less likely to store food as fat and more likely to burn excess fat for energy."" So eat toast with eggs, pasta with fish or chicken, fruit with nuts and aim for a 50/50 carb-to-protein ratio to aid weight loss. ----- CentreTravel " "4. Kul proteini għall telf ta 'piż Jikkombinaw carbs bil-mod rilaxx bi proteina se tnaqqas ir-rata ikel tiegħek hija assorbita. ""Dan jgħin biex jibbilanċja zokkor fid-demm tiegħek,"" jispjega l-dietologu. ""Meta zokkor fid-demm tiegħek huwa stabbli, inti huma anqas probabbli li jaħżnu l-ikel bħala xaħam u aktar probabbli li jinħarqu xaħam żejjed għall-enerġija. "" ...

3. Maximise energy with slow-releasing carbohydrates

"3. Maximise energy with slow-releasing carbohydrates All carbohydrates are not equal. Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, biscuits and white rice, release their energy quickly giving you an energy rush followed by a slump. Unrefined carbohydrates, such as oats, wholemeal bread, brown rice and starchy vegetables, are slow-releasing foods that help sustain energy for longer. ""Eating too many fast-releasing carbs leads to hunger pangs, cravings for sugary foods and stimulants such as tea or coffee,"" explains the nutritionist. ""Over time, this can cause weight gain and lethargy."" So whenever you can, eat unrefined carbohydrates. ----- CentreTravel " "3. Timmassimizza enerġija bil-karboidrati bil-mod jirrilaxxa karboidrati kollha mhumiex ugwali. karboidrati raffinati, bħal ħobż abjad, gallettini u ross abjad, joħorġu enerġija tagħhom malajr jagħtik għaġla enerġi...

1. Always start your day with breakfast

"1. Always start your day with breakfast You've probably heard this a thousand times - but why is it ----- CentreTravel " "1. Dejjem tibda jum tiegħek ma 'kolazzjon You ħadthom probabbilment jinstemgħu dan elf darba - iżda għaliex hi ----- CentreTravel " "1. Immer Ihren Tag mit einem Frühstück beginnen Sie haben wahrscheinlich dieses tausendmal gehört - aber warum ist es, ----- CentreTravel " "1.总是先从早餐的一天 你可能听说过这种上千次 - 但为什么它 ----- CentreTravel " "1. Siempre comience el día con el desayuno Usted probablemente ha escuchado esto mil veces - pero por qué es ----- CentreTravel " "1. हमेशा नाश्ते के साथ अपने दिन की शुरुआत आप शायद इस एक हज़ार बार सुना है - लेकिन क्यों यह है ----- CentreTravel

1. Always start your day with breakfast

"1. Always start your day with breakfast You've probably heard this a thousand times - but why is it so important? ""Breakfast literally means breaking the night fast. For many people, it can be 12 hours since they last ate, so your body badly needs more fuel."" If you skip breakfast, you're running on empty. ""Good breakfast options include porridge, wholegrain toast with nut butter, yogurt with fruit or boiled eggs ----- CentreTravel " "1. Dejjem tibda jum tiegħek ma 'kolazzjon You ħadthom probabbilment jinstemgħu dan elf darba - iżda għaliex hu daqshekk importanti? ""Breakfast litteralment ifisser li jitneħħew il-lejl malajr. Għal ħafna nies, jista 'jkun 12-il siegħa peress li l-aħħar kielu, sabiex ġismek ħażin jeħtieġ aktar fjuwil. "" Jekk inti skip kolazzjon, int taħdem fuq vojta. ""Għażliet kolazzjon tajbin jinkludu poriġ, toast ...

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