
Showing posts from April 2, 2008


A take away

A take away

The Film Titanic

"The Film Titanic My teenage daughter went to watch the film Titanic. When she came home, she was crying, after seeing the film for the first time. ""Which part did you find so sad"" I asked. ""I'm not crying about the film,"" she said in between sobs. ""I'm only crying because the actor doesn't know I exist!"" ----- CentreTravel " "-Titanic Film bint adoloxxenti tiegħi marru jaraw il-film Titanic. Meta hi daħlet dar, hija kienet biki, wara li tara l-film għall-ewwel darba. ""Liema parti sirt taf hekk imdejjaq"" staqsejt. ""Jien ma biki dwar il-film,"" qalet bejniethom sobs. ""Jien biss biki minħabba li l-attur ma jafx jien jeżistu!"" ----- CentreTravel " "Der Film Titanic Meine Teenager-Tochter ging der Film Titanic zu sehen. Als ...

When on holiday

"When on holiday My daughter and her husband, a keen fisherman, planned to visit his sister and her year old baby. They wanted to buy some baby clothes, but were not sure of the size. ""How big is 20 pounds?"" asked my daughter ""Well"" it's a very big fish,"" said her husband. ----- CentreTravel " "Meta fuq btala Binti u żewġha, sajjied ħerqana, ppjana li jżur oħtu u sena tagħha qodma tarbija. Huma riedu li jixtru xi ħwejjeġ tat-trabi, iżda ma kinux ċert tad-daqs. ""Kemm hi kbira l-20 libbra?"" talab bint tiegħi ""Ukoll"" huwa ħut kbir ħafna, ""qal żewġha. ----- CentreTravel " "Wenn im Urlaub Meine Tochter und ihr Mann, ein begeisterter Fischer, planten seine Schwester und ihr Jahr alt zu besuchen Baby. Sie wollten ein paar Baby-Kleidung kaufen, aber waren von d...

Stuffed Calarmi with cousous and dried fruits

"Stuffed Calarmi with cousous and dried fruits Ingredients: 4 fresh squid, cleaned 250 g easy-to-cook cousous Handful dried dates, finely chopped Handful dried apricots, finely chopped 2 spring onions, finely chopped Fresh mint 2 tbs Olive oil Method : Prepare couscous according to instructions on packet. When ready combine all ingredients except squid. Using a spoon fill squid. In a frying pan, heat some olive oil gently and fry squid on all sides. When ready serve with a salad of your choice. ----- CentreTravel " "Mimli Calarmi ma 'frott cousous u mnixxef Ingredjenti: 4 klamari frisk, imnaddaf 250 g faċli biex issajjar cousous Numru żgħir dati imnixxef, mqatta 'b'mod fin Numru żgħir berquq imnixxef, mqatta 'b'mod fin 2 basal, mqatta 'b'mod fin frisk mint 2 TBS żejt taż-żebbuġa Metodu: Ipprepara kuskus skond l-istruzzjonijiet fuq pakkett. Meta jkun lest jikkombinaw...


"Avocados Do not just eat a fruit. Know what you are eating. Avocados are one of the fruits which have a high fat content. Avocados are a good source of potassium (more than a banana) a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure. An Avocado ready to eat is slightly soft, but should have no dark, sunken spots or cracks. ----- CentreTravel " "avokado Ma biss jieklu frott. Kun af dak li qed tiekol. Avokado huma wieħed mill-frott li għandhom kontenut għoli ta 'xaħam. Avokado huma sors tajjeb ta 'potassju (aktar minn banana) minerali li jgħin jirregolaw pressjoni tad-demm. L Avokado lest biex jittiekel huwa ftit ratba, iżda għandu jkollhom l-ebda dlam, spots sunken jew xquq. ----- CentreTravel " "Avocados Essen Sie nicht nur eine Frucht. Wissen Sie, was Sie essen. Avocados sind eine der Früchte, die einen hohen Fettgehalt haben. Avocados ist eine gute Quel...

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