Museo Diocesano - Trani, Italy
Open from April 1st to October 31st 9.30 - 12.30 / 16.00 - 19.00 Extended hours daily from June 24th to September 25th from 7pm to 8pm Tel: 0883 021 345 - 340 402 52 66 IAT Tel: 0883 588 8 30 The Diocesano Museum - Jewish Section (The Church of S.Anna Former Scolagrande Synagogue) Via la Giudea Open from Tuesday to Sundays: 9.30am - 12.30pm/5pm -7pm Extended hours daily from June 24th to September 25th : from 7pm to 8pm Tel; 0883 021 345 -340 402 52 66 IAT Tel: 0883 58 88 30 Town Hall: Tel: 0883 50 60 20 Web; The Diocesan Museum Piazza Duomo 7 Trani