
Showing posts from May, 2008


Homemade Corn and Potato Chowder

"Homemade Corn and Potato Chowder 1 medium oinion, finely chopped 1 1/4 pints boiling water 3 medium-sized potatoes, cubed some salt and pepper 10 1/2 oz canned sweetcorn 1 1/4 pints scalded milk Saute' onions until lightly browned. Add boiling water, potatoes and seasonings. Cook until potatoes are tender. Add sweetcorn and milk. Heat to boiling point, but do not boil. Serves 6 ----- CentreTravel " "Corn homemade u Chowder patata 1 oinion medju, mqatta 'b'mod fin 1 1/4 pinet ilma jagħli patata ta 'daqs medju 3, kubiku xi melħ u bżar 10 1/2 oz qamħ ħelu fil-laned 1 1/4 pinet ħalib mismuta basal saute ""sakemm ħafif browned. Żid jagħli ilma, patata u ħwawar. Sajjar sakemm patata huma valuta. Żid qamħ ħelu u l-ħalib. Saħħan punt tat-togħlija, iżda ma jagħli. jservi 6 ----- CentreTravel " "Selbst gemachte Mais und ...

Minted Roast Shoulder of lamb

"Minted Roast Shoulder of lamb 1.5 kg boned and rolled shoulder of lamb Marinade: 150ml dry cider 1 tsp chopped fresh mint 1 tsp brown sugar 3 tsp soy sauce 2 tbsp vinegar salt and pepper To Garnish: mint sprigs spring onions Place meat in a large dish. Combine the ingredients for the marinade and pour over the meat. Refrigerate overnight, if possible basting at least twice. Remove the meat from the merinade and pour off all but about 3 tbsp of the marinade. Reserve this for gravy. Sprinkle a little salt over the fat of the meat and put the meat into a roasting bag. Fold the open end loosely with string. Snip the bag in two or three places to allow steam to escape. Arrange the meat on a roasting rack in the base of a roasting dish. Cook in microwave on full for 10 mins. Reduce the power and cook for a further 32 mins, turning the dish once. Remove from the oven and allow to stand for 20 mins. Uncover the meat and grill for 10 mins. o...

Stir-fry Flavours

"Stir-fry Flavours The basic seasonings for a simple stir-fry are salt and sugar, but small amounts of other ingredients make tasty additions. Soy sauce is the most commonly used. Oyster sauce is another. Thinly sliced garlic and shredded chillies can also be added, though they are the exception rather than the rule. ----- CentreTravel " "Flavours ħawwad-fry -Ħwawar bażiċi għal sempliċi ħawwad-fry huma melħ u zokkor, iżda ammonti żgħar ta 'oħrajn ingredjenti jagħmlu żidiet fit-togħma. soy sauce huwa l-aktar komunement użati. Zalza gajdra huwa ieħor. Imqatta 'rqiq tewm u ċili mqatta jistgħu wkoll jiġu miżjuda, għalkemm huma l-eċċezzjoni aktar milli r-regola. ----- CentreTravel " "Rühren braten Flavors Die grundlegenden Zutaten für ein einfaches Rühren braten sind Salz und Zucker, aber geringe Mengen anderer Zutaten schmackhafte Ergänzungen. Sojasauce i...

Mediterrean Chutney

"Mediterrean Chutney 1 kg tomatoes, skinned and chopped 450g Spanish onions, chopped 450g courgettes, thinly sliced 1 large green pepper, cored, seeded and chopped 1 large red pepper, cored, seeded and chopped 225g aubergine, chopped 2 large cloves garlic, crushed 1 tbsp cayenne paprika 1 tbsp ground paprika 1 tbsp ground coriander 3oo ml malt vinegar 350 g sugar Place the tomatoes in a large heatproof bowl with the onions, courgettes, peppers, aubergine, garlic, cayenne pepper, paprika and coriander. Cook in microwave full for 15 mins. stirring twice. Add vinegar and sugar, blending well. Cook for another 15 mins, stirring twice. Leave to stand for 5 mins. Ladle into warm sterilized jars. Seal, label and store. Makes 2.75 Kg ----- CentreTravel " "ċatni Mediterran 1 kg tadam, imqaxxar u mqatta basal Spanjol 450g, mqatta zukkini 450g, imqatta 'rqiq 1 bżar aħdar kbar, mingħajr il-qal...

Banana Pancakes

"Banana Pancakes 2 large ripe bananas a50g wholemeal flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon pinch of nutmeg 250ml skimmed milk 1 tbs maple syrup Mash banana in a large bowl. Sify wholemeal flour, baking powder, cinnamon and nutmeg onto the banana, stir in the milk and maple syrup and combine all ingredients. Heat a large non stick pan over medium heat and coat with cooking oil spray. Cook the pancakes in batches, using about 1/4 cup of the banana batter for each pancake. Cook for 3 - 4 mins on each side of the pancake turning it gently as it might stick to pan. Remove from pan with and keep warm. Spray the pan with a little oil after each pancake and continue with the remaining mixture. Serve drizzled with maple syrup, few slices of banana, raisins, sultanas and some almonds. ----- CentreTravel " "banana pancakes 2 banana misjur kbar a50g dqiq wholemeal 2 Tsp trab tal-ħami 1/2 Tsp k...

5 Age-Viewpoints on a Pension

"5 Age-Viewpoints on a Pension At the age of 25 : They tell me the job is not pensionable. At the age of 35 : Unfortunately my work does not bear a pension. At the age of 45 : How I wish I could look forward to a pension. At the age of 55 : I dread reaching retiring age without a pension. At the age 0f 65 : Without a pension I really don't know what I shall do. ----- CentreTravel " "5 Età-Fehmiet fuq Pensjoni Fl-età ta '25: Huma tell me l-impjiegi mhuwiex pensjonabbli. Fl-età ta '35: Sfortunatament xogħol tiegħi ma jkollux pensjoni. Fl-età ta 45: Kif Nixtieq I jistgħu jistennew ħerqana għal pensjoni. Fl-età ta '55: I dread jilħqu jirtiraw età mingħajr pensjoni. Fl-età 0F 65: Mingħajr pensjoni I verament ma nafx dak I għandhom jagħmlu. ----- CentreTravel " "5 Altersaussichtspunkte auf einer Pension Im Alter von 25: Sie sagen mir der Job nicht rente...

Chilli Bean dip

"Chilli Bean dip 200 g Red kidney Beans 2 Cloves garlic, crushed 3 tbs Sour Cream 3 tbs Chilli Sauce Salt (Optional) Method: Soak red kidney beans overnight and cook until soft. Process in food processor until smooth. .Stir in garlic and salt. For sour Cream: 150g Ricotta 1 tbs skimmed milk 1/2 tbs lemon juice When beans are smooth add sour cream and sweet chilli sauce, blend and chill for half an hour. If dip is too thick, add water or milk. For a spicier dip use hot instead of sweet chilli sauce. ----- CentreTravel " "Chilli Bean dip 200 Fażola kliewi g Red 2 qronfol tewm, imfarrak 3 TBS Krema qarsa 3 TBS chilli Zalza Melħ (Mhux obbligatorju) metodu: Xarrab fażola ħamra matul il-lejl u sajjar sakemm artab. Proċess proċessur ikel sakemm bla xkiel. .Stir fit-tewm u melħ. Għal Krema qarsa: Ricotta 150g 1 TBS ħalib xkumat meraq tal-lumi 1/2 TBS Meta fażola lixxa żid krema qarsa u...

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