A filigree of a dance - Valletta - Malta
Yada's 26th Anniversary Grand Show directed by Felix Busuttil with a cast of over 300
performers including Chiara, J. Anvil and Claudette Pace and incorporating set-out shows
such as Firedance, Moulin Rouge, Dirty Dancing, Madonna and Mamma Mia to name just a few.
Tel: 2124 3840/3
E: bookings@mcc.com.mt
Address: Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta
Dates of the show: 6, 7, 8, 13 - 15 March
performers including Chiara, J. Anvil and Claudette Pace and incorporating set-out shows
such as Firedance, Moulin Rouge, Dirty Dancing, Madonna and Mamma Mia to name just a few.
Tel: 2124 3840/3
E: bookings@mcc.com.mt
Address: Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta
Dates of the show: 6, 7, 8, 13 - 15 March