
La Bisbal d'Emporda' - Spain

La Bisbal d' Emporda'

The Retailers Association of l'Aigueta offers you the very best of our land, pottery, glass,

furniture, household ware, antiques, basketry , stone, gardening, cakes, cafes, management

services and our readi

ness to ensure that you enjoy a most pleasant stay.

Le Bisbal d'Emporda' is today one of Catalonia's leading pottery centres. This activity is

clearly shown in the town's skyscrape, with its outlines of industrial smokestacks and many

pottery shops. Craftsman, artist, the La Bisbal potter is often the latest member of a family

spanning generations devoted to the ancient work of shaping clay.

Visits and Demostrations: The Retailers Association of l'Aigueta and Terracotta Museum

have prepared teaching and fun activities to introduce the general public to the world of


1. Guided visit to the Museum's temporary and permanent collections.

2. Trip around the shops in l'Aigueta.

The Terracotta Museum.

Manufacturas Terracotta, SA was formerly a manufacturing concern dedicated to making

ceramic ties and paving slabs. In 1984 it was acquired by La Bisbal Town Hall in order to turn

it into the town's Ceramics Museum: today it is one of the most notable buildings of

industrial archaeology.

Address: Associacio de comerciants de l' Aiglieta de la Bisbal d' Emporda

Apartat de correus 101 - 17100 La Bisbal d' Emporda -Girona


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