
Utah Beach - France

Utah Beach is a Historic Site, of the disembarking of the Americans.

Utah Beach had a special place in the Overlord operation, if the landing did failed in the four

other beaches, the commanding officers thought to bring back all the troops landed on the

beaches of the Calvados department to the Utah Beach.

The port pof Utah Beach was operational between 6th June and 1st November 1944, and

during that period 836,000 men and 220,000 vehicles and 725,000 tons of equipment,

supplies came through the harbour.

The landing on Utah Beach was a total American achievement . A military and a technical

success. Thanks to the simple installations and to the dynamism of the 1' Special

Engineer Brigade, 40% of american troops landed on Utah.

Address: Musee' Du Debarquement Utah Beach
50480 Sainte- Marie-Du- Mont

Telephone: 02 33 71 53 35


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