
Amiens, a great and blue city- France

The Hortillonnages : Also known as the floating gardens, the hortillonnages cover 300

hectares of small islands and are criss-crossed by 65 km of canals.

The ancient marshes were originally exploited for their peat and later for market gardening


It is a natural reserve now,just a stone's throw from the city centre, where flora and fauna

enjoy a calm, protected environment.

They can be explored either walking along the towpath, or in a traditional boat


Garden and park lovers will find that Amiens has a multitude of outdoor sites to investigate:

. The zoological park and the Hotoie park,

. Saint-Pierre park

. The botanical Garden or the King's Garden (Jardin du Roy)

. The Bishop's Palace garden and the Mediaeval Garden.

. The romantic Medeliene cemetry.

. The enclosed Alexandre garden (a private garden)

. Saint- Acheul archaeological garden

Contact: Hortillonnages Proctection Association

54, bd de Beauville

TEL: +33 (0)3 22 92 12 18


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