It is possible to enjoy fishing in the waters of the lake throughout the year, subject to certain rules and periods during which there is a ban of catching given fish species. The species of fish found in Lake Iseo include char, chub, vairone , tench, arborella, eel, pike and whitefish. Some fish, such as the rainbow trout, largemouth bass and pumpkinseed have been introduced artificially, while the carp was introduced to ebino in the Romanesque period. The problematic environmental conditions relate to the eutrophication of the lake, pollution and poor oxygenation conditions of the water; have had a considerable impact on the wealth of fish especially harming those species that require clean, fresh and well oxygenated water to live and to reproduce in, such as salmonids. Two of the most characteristic fish from the lakes of Bergamo are the char and the tench. The tench is a large fish with a dark green back and incredibly yellow belly, and is authenti...