
Guide Museums Wien - Austria

Welcome to the MuseumsQuartier Wien - one of the world's largest cultural complexes.

Art Space - Creativity Space - Living Space

Visual Art

Leopold Museum  - The focus of the Leopold Museum is on masterpieces  by Egon Schiele  (1890 -                                       1918). The collection encompasses more than 40 paintings and some 200 works
                                 on paper by the Austrian Expressionist.  The Leopold Collection forms the basis
                                 of the world's most important presentations of modern art.

Architecture -  Architekturzentrum Wien
                        The Architekturzentrum Wien is Austria's main museum of architecture as is an
                         exhibition, event, and research center for everything related to architecture and the art
                         of building.

Theater; Dance & Music - Tranzquartier Wien is Austria's premier center for contemporary dance and
                                           performance. Halle E - G

Art & Culture for Kids & Young Adults - Theater for Young Audiences
                                                                   Zoom Kindermuseum
                                                                   Wien Xtra-kinderinfo

Q21 - provides workspace for around 50 initiatives, organizations, agencies and editorial offices                      working in the cultural sector.

Restaurants -  In addition to its diverse cultural offering, the MuseumQuartier Wien is known for its                               spacious oases for recreation and relaxation.

MQ Point info - Tickets - Shop - General information and ticket sales / gift and design shop
                                                     Kombi  tickets for the mq and tickets for cultural events all over                                                               Austria
                                                     Open daily :  10.00 - 19.00
Tel:   0820 /600 (in Austria only) or  +43 / 1 / 523 81 -1731

Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibitions and shop, daily 10.00 - 19.00
                                           Library  Mon, Wed and Fri, 10.00 - 17.30, Sat & Sun  10.00 - 19.00
                                   Tel: +  43 /1/522  31 15 0

Dschungel Wien - Theater for Young Audiences
                              Information tickets, and reservations  Mon to Fri  14.30 - 18.30
                               Sat  16.30 -18.30 and on hour before performances
                        Tel:   +43/1/522 07 20 -20

Halle E+G - Oeticket Center in the foyer of Halle E+G
                     Mon - Sat, 10.00 - 19.00, lunch break 13.00 - 14.00 closed July and August)

Kunsthalle Wien - Daily  11.00 -19.00  Thu  11.00 - 21.00
                      Facebook /kunsthalleWien, Twitter / KunsthalleWien
                              #kunsthalleWien,   Tel:   +43 /1/52 89 33

Leopold Museum - Daily  10.00 - 18.00, Thur  10.00 - 21.00
                                Closed Tue (open daly Jun to Aug)
                         Tel:   +43 /1/55 70 0

Mumok - Museum moderner Kunst
Stiftung Ludwig Wien



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