Cesare Pavese Birthplace -Santo Stefano Belbo, Italy
Cesare Pavese Birthplace
Via Pavese, 20
S 10 am - 12.30 am /3 pm - 6.30 pm
anto Stefano Belbo
Tel: +39 0141 8408990
(Study Centre) - 333 9379857 (prof Gatti)
E: info@fondazionecesarepavese.it
W: www.fondazionecesarepavese.it
Open: on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
10 am - 12.30 am/3pm - 6.30pm
on Thursday 10 am - 12,30 am
on Saturday and Sunday
Closed Mondays, Sundays of January, February and March open on reservation.
Groups on reservation, Public holidays on reservation