The Montserrat Museum - Spain
The Montserrat Museum is without question, one of the great exposition spaces in both Catalonia and Spain. It keeps more than 1,300 pieces of art from an extensive chronologic period. Some of these
pieces are from artists as important as Picasso, Dali or El Greco. The majority of the pieces in exhibition come from private donations. These donations were made with the purpose of making the
art available for all visitors to the sanctuary. The monastery carries out those wishes continuing with the spirit of cultural service. There are five permanent collections on exhibition:
1. Orient Biblical Archaelogy
2. Iconography dedicated to the "Virgin of Saint Mary of Montserrat".
3. Religious gold/ silver work
4. Paintings from the 8th to 18th centuries, with paintings of Caravaggio, Tepolo, Berruguete, El Greco.
5. Modern paintings and sculptures from the 19th to the 20th centuries. It includes pieces of artists
such as Dali, Monet, Sisley, Degas, Pissarro, Chagall, Le Corbusier Miro' Picasso or Tapies
among others.
The Mountain of Montserrat Natural Park
Montserrat is a unique mountain formation in the world due to the shape of the mountain.
The mountain was declared Natural Park in 1987 to guarantee the conservation of such a characteristic environment.
This park offers the visitor the possibility of making on foot itineraries of different length and
different difficulty degree.
Walks From The Sanctuary
The Montserrat area is a true open air museum made up of monuments, sculpture and nature. The paths and tracks that take the visitor to the "Santa Cueva",the San Juan view point, or the Saint Miguel chapel allow the enjoyment of the entire patrimony. While taking these walks you will be
able to appreciate the most important open air set modernist sculptures in Catalonia. You will also have quite a few great photo.
Cataluna Tourism Office
Tel: 902 400 012
Email: dgdifusio _turisme