Hotel La Corte Albertina - Pollenzo (CN)
Within the setting of the Pollenzo Royal Country Estate, La Corte Albertina is the result
of a careful renovation of the original buildings making up the 19th century complex
created by King Charles Albert of Savoy. The warm colouring of the barrel-and cross-
vaulted ceilings, the period furniture and the fabrics and drapery consistent with the style
of the 1800s create a cosy atmosphere of days gone by. Terracotta red features
throughout the facility and the bar: the original "infernotto", transformed into a cellar, is
brimming with fine vintage wines.
Hotel La Corte Albertina ***
Via Amadeo di Savoia, 8
12042 Bra - Pollenzo (CN)
Tel: +39 0172 458410
Fax: +39 0172 458921