Worship - Torino, Italy
The dynasty's religion can be seen in the sumptuous baroque churches of the Savoy and in the
upgrading of the ancient sanctuaries that were already places of worship for the public.
Basilica di Superga
Strada Basilica di Superga, 73
Tel: +39 011 8997456
Email: prenotazioni@basilicadisuperga.com
Santuario di Oropa
Via Santuario di Oropa, 480
Oropa (B1)
Tel: +39 015 25551200
Email: info@santuariodioropa.it
Web: www.santuariodioropa.i
Santuario di Vicoforte
Piazza Car;lo Emanuele 1,1
Vicoforte (CN)
Tel: =39 0174 565555
Email: santuarvico@libero.it
Web: www.santuariodivicoforte.com