
Cycling between the waterways and villas of Treviso, Italy

A biking tour offers all cyclists an ideal opportunity to discover hidden 'gems' along the slopes and foothills.
The 500-kilometre long tour can be divided into 8 itineraries:

Itinerary  1:  Discovering villas along the banks of the River Sile and the Terraglio roadway.
                   The Towns and sites along the route: Treviso, casier, Lughignano, Casale sul Site, Musestre,
                   Roncade, Zerman di Mogliano, Veneto, Camporcroce.
                   Distance:  81 kilometres.
                   Riding time: Approx. 5 hours.

               2. From the head of the River Sile to the Medieval walls of Castelfranco Veneto
                   The Towns and sites along the route:  Quinto, Badoere, the springs of the Sile, Casacorba
                   Fossalunga ,Fanzolo di Vedelago, Borgo San Floriano  Castelfranco Veneto.
                   Distance 81 kilometres.
                   Riding time:  Approx. 3 1/2 hours

              3.  Countryside in the western part of the Treviso province and the enchanting Asolo hills.
                   Towns and sites along the route:  Castelfranco Veneto, Castello di Godega,    Altivole, Asolo,  
                   Possagno, Corruda, Maser, Caerrano San Marco, Montebelluno.  
                   Distance:  86 kilometres
                   Riding time:   Approx. 6 hours .

              4.  The gentle rolling hills of the Montello and Soligo areas.
                   Towns and sites along the  route:   Montebelluno, Nervesa della Battaglia, road running along
                    top of the Montello hills, Crocetta del Montello, Vidor, Guia, Farra di Soligo, Pieve di
                    Distance:   66 kilometres
                    Riding Time:   Approx. 5 hours

              5.   The Treviso foothills: a delightful landscape
                    Towns and sites along the route:   Pieve di Soligo, Refrontolo, Rolle, Farro', Follina, Cison
                     di Valmarino, Gai, Resera, Tarzo, Vittorio Veneto
                     Distance:  70 km
                     Riding Time:   4 hours

             6.     The Cansiglio area: from Vittorio Veneto to Conegliano
                     Towns and sites along the route:   Vittorio Veneto, Fregona, Montaner, Samede, Cordignano
                     Colle Umberto, San Fior, San Vendemiano, Conegliano
                     Distance:   46 kilometres
                     Riding time:   Approx. 3 1/2 hours

             7.   From Conegliano to Oderzo: the countryside to the left of the River Piave.
                   Towns and sites  along the route:   Conegliano, Ramera, Zoppe', Codogne',Portobuffole',
                   Mansue', Navole', Motta di Livenza, Oderzo.
                   Diatance:   55 kilometres
                   Riding Time:   Approx. 3 hours

            8.    The central River Piave area and the villas north-east of Treviso.
                   Towns and sites along the route:   Oderzo,  Tempio, Ormelle,  San Michele  di Piave, Vascon
                    Distance:  70 kilometre
                    Riding  time:   Approx. 4 1/2 hours

Tourist Office:   I.A.T. Vittorio Veneto
                        Viale dela Vittoria, 110

                         Tel:   0438 5724
                         Fax:  0438 53629
                         Email:   iat.vittorioveneto@provincia












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