MinitaliaLeolandia Park - Italy
Fun, culture & nature: an absolute must in the heart of Lombardy.
Minitalia, the one place, where Italy's most important monuments are in miniature
Here you will : Encounter - 16 famous figures from Christopher Columbus to Julius Caesar
Smell - the perfumes of trees and flowers
Listen - to the music and sounds of nature
Taste - the regional specialities
Touch - the statues to listen to their story
Farm: So many farm animals
Water: Stingrays, Clownfish and Electric eels
Reptiles, Amphibians and scary Snakes
Music: The show is musical!
Amusement for all the family
PIC-NIC pizza, pasta, many choices
Mimitalia Leolandia Park
Via V. Veneto 52
24042 Capriate S. Gervasio BG)
Tel: 02 9090169
Fax: 02 90963469
Minitalia, the one place, where Italy's most important monuments are in miniature
Here you will : Encounter - 16 famous figures from Christopher Columbus to Julius Caesar
Smell - the perfumes of trees and flowers
Listen - to the music and sounds of nature
Taste - the regional specialities
Touch - the statues to listen to their story
Farm: So many farm animals
Water: Stingrays, Clownfish and Electric eels
Reptiles, Amphibians and scary Snakes
Music: The show is musical!
Amusement for all the family
PIC-NIC pizza, pasta, many choices
Mimitalia Leolandia Park
Via V. Veneto 52
24042 Capriate S. Gervasio BG)
Tel: 02 9090169
Fax: 02 90963469