Olympisches Museum Lausanne - Switzerland
Train excursion along the Lake of Geneva to Lausanne where the Olympic Museum can be visited : the world's
largest information centre of the Olympic Movement, its ideals and history.
Olympisches Museum Lausanne
Quai d'Quchy, 1
Zug nach Lausanne,Linie 8 Musee Olympique
Open Nov - Marz : Di - So 9 - 18h
T: 021 621 65 11
Web: www.museum-olympic.org
largest information centre of the Olympic Movement, its ideals and history.
Olympisches Museum Lausanne
Quai d'Quchy, 1
Zug nach Lausanne,Linie 8 Musee Olympique
Open Nov - Marz : Di - So 9 - 18h
T: 021 621 65 11
Web: www.museum-olympic.org