
Bobby Long -Zurich - Switzerland

Bobby Long was born in Wigan in Northern England and manages to enchant his audience using just his voice and his guitar. when he tells stories from life with his slightly raspy voice, it
becomes apparent that bob Dylan is one of his most important sources of inspiration. A little soul
a bit of folk and a lot of blues is the mix that carries true passion - even when Bobby sounds a
little melancholy. Since the co-production "let me sign" by the so-called Brit-pack, sung by
Robert Pattinson and written by Bobby Long and Marcus Foster, appearedon the Twilight
soundtrack, the 22 year-old has been receiving the attention he long sought for his music. But
to the modest, Brit it doesn't matter if he is playing in front of 20 or 2000 guests.
"As long as I am satisfied with my music, I don't mind how many people are listening"

Theater Stadelholen
Stadelhoferstrasse, 12 Plan 012
Ticket-line +41 44 252 94 24


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