A Space Odyssey - Belgium
A journey of complete immersion in outer space, beginning with two hours indoors:
an interative exhibition taking you from the origins of the universe to the most futuristic plans
for the conquest of outer space, including many special effects, including going inside a life-size
replica of the American space shuttle.
Then four hours outside following trail which features several games and contests, including
a solar system the size of a football pitch, a galactic labyrinth of trees and plants and a 6km-long
set of outer-space scales.
13 July: Air & Outer Space Day
7 August: Star-gazing Night
Address: Euro Space Center
Rue devant les Hetres,1
Tel: +32(0)61 65 01 33/34
E: info@eurospacecenter.be
W: www.eurospacecenter.be
an interative exhibition taking you from the origins of the universe to the most futuristic plans
for the conquest of outer space, including many special effects, including going inside a life-size
replica of the American space shuttle.
Then four hours outside following trail which features several games and contests, including
a solar system the size of a football pitch, a galactic labyrinth of trees and plants and a 6km-long
set of outer-space scales.
13 July: Air & Outer Space Day
7 August: Star-gazing Night
Address: Euro Space Center
Rue devant les Hetres,1
Tel: +32(0)61 65 01 33/34
E: info@eurospacecenter.be
W: www.eurospacecenter.be