
Showing posts from April, 2008


Fire in the garage

"Fire in the garage A neighbour of ours woke up one night and saw a fire in our garage. In a panic, she phoned the fire brigade and told them the name of the street where we lived, but couldn't remember the house number. All she said was ""It's the only house in the street with a fire in the garage!"" ----- CentreTravel " "Nar fil-garaxx A neighbor ta 'tagħna woke up lejl wieħed u raw nar fil-garaxx tagħna. Fil-paniku, hija phoned il tifi tan-nar u qaltilhom l-isem tat-triq fejn aħna għexu, iżda ma setgħux tiftakar il-numru tad-dar. Kollha qalet kien ""Hu l-unika dar fit-triq ma 'nar fil-garaxx!"" ----- CentreTravel " "Feuer in der Garage Ein Nachbar von uns wachte eine Nacht und ein Feuer in der Garage sah. In Panik rief sie die Feuerwehr und sagte ihnen, den Namen der Straße, in der wir lebten, konnte ab...

Black and white

"Black and white A man had his boat up. As he neared completion of one side of the boat in white. He nearly bumped into a stranger on the other side of the boat, painting in black. ""Oh""! The man painting in black thought it was his boat, a similar one cradled several metres away. I might have laughed - except that he was painting black while I was painting white. ----- CentreTravel " "Iswed u abjad Raġel kien dgħajsa tiegħu sa. Kif huwa neared tlestija tal-ġenb wieħed tal-bastiment fl-abjad. Huwa kważi ttellgħux fis barrani fuq in-naħa l-oħra tal-bastiment, pittura bl-iswed. ""Oh""! Il-pittura bniedem bl-iswed ħasbu li kien dgħajsa tiegħu, waħda simili cradled bosta meters bogħod. I jista 'jkollhom laughed - ħlief li hu kien pittura iswed I filwaqt li kien pittura abjad. ----- CentreTravel " "Schwarz und weiß Ei...

It's my Birthday

"It's my Birthday A woman was polishing a freshly washed car. Meanwhile, her husband with a can of beer balanced on his stomach, reclined languorously in a hammock, watching a portable T V. I thought his behaviour despicable until I noticed a sign propped against a tree: ""It's my birthday"" ----- CentreTravel " "Huwa Birthday tiegħi A mara kienet illustrar karozza friska maħsul. Sadanittant, ir-raġel tagħha ma tista tal-birra bilanċjat fuq l-istonku tiegħu, reclined languorously fl hammock, jaraw T V. portabbli Ħsibt imġieba tiegħu jistmellu sal I ndunat sinjal mirfud kontra siġra: ""Huwa birthday tiegħi"" ----- CentreTravel " "Es ist mein Geburtstag Eine Frau wurde Polieren eines frisch gewaschenes Auto. Inzwischen ihr Mann mit einer Dose Bier auf dem Bauch ausgeglichen, zurückgelehnten languorously in eine Hä...

Ship - Shape

"Ship - Shape A man was working in the garage of his boss. The man told his boss that he was ill and had to go home. The boss, convinced that the man was doing work on his boat, sent the rest of the garage staff, to the man's home a few minutes later. They found him busy on his boat, pitched in and helped, and within the hour everyone was back at the garage. The ""sick"" employee was a bit embarrassed, but his boat was in good shape. ----- CentreTravel " "Vapur - Forma Raġel kien qed jaħdem fil-garaxx ta 'imgħallem tiegħu. Il-bniedem qal imgħallem tiegħu li huwa kien marid u kellha tmur dar. Il-boxxla, konvint li l-bniedem kien isir xogħol fuq dgħajsa tiegħu, bagħtet lill-bqija tal-persunal garaxx, -dar tar-raġel ftit minuti wara. Huma sabuh busy fuq dgħajsa tiegħu, immejla fi u għenu, u fil-kulħadd siegħa kien lura fil-garaxx. Il- ""morda"" impjegat kien da...

Tuna Stuffed Peppers

"Tuna Stuffed Peppers 3 large even-sized peppers 2 tablespoons water 1x200g can tuna fish drained 50 g Edam Cheese, grated 1 tablespoon drained, canned sweetcorn 2 tablespoons cooked rice 2 tablespoons mayonnaise Method: Cut the tops off peppers and reserve. Scrape out the core and seeds, and discard. Stand the peppers in a casserole and add the water. Cover and cook. Filling: Combine all the remaining ingredients and mix well. Stuff the peppers and replace the top. Grill or microwave. ----- CentreTravel " "Bżar Tonn mimli 3 bżar kbar anke ta 'daqs 2 imgħaref ilma 1x200g tista jistadu għat-tonn ixxotta 50 g Edam Ġobon, maħkuk 1 tablespoon ixxotta, qamħ ħelu fil-laned 2 imgħaref ross imsajjar 2 imgħaref mayonnaise Metodu: Aqta 'l-uċuħ off bżar u riżerva. Imsaħ il-qalba u żrieragħ, u jarmi. Stand-bżar fil-casserole u żid l-ilma. Għatti u insajjru. Mili: Għaqqad l-ingredjenti ...

Lettuce Soup with Croutons

"Lettuce Soup with Croutons 1 onion, finely chopped 50 g butter 25 g plain flour 450 ml chicken stock 300 ml milk 225 g lettuce leaves, chopped 1/4 tsp nutmeg Croutons: 2 slices fresh bread, cut into cubes 4 tablespoons oil Method : Place onion and butter in a large bowl. Cover and cook for 4 minutes. Stir in flour, hot stock, milk, lettuce, nutmeg. Cook till well done. Pour soup into a blender, till smooth. Serve garnished with croutons. Method for croutons: Stir and toss pieces of bread, grill or fry till golden. ----- CentreTravel " "Soppa Ħass ma croutons 1 basla, mqatta 'b'mod fin 50 g butir 25 g dqiq plain 450 ml stokk tat-tiġieġ 300 ml tal-ħalib 225 weraq ħass g, mqatta noċemuskata 1/4 Tsp Croutons: 2 flieli ħobż frisk, imqatta kubi 4 imgħaref żejt Metodu: Post basla u l-butir fi skutella kbira. Għatti u insajjru għal 4 minuti. Ħawwad fil-dqiq, l-istokk jaħraq, ħalib, ...

Crunchy Egg Fries - Breakfast

"Crunchy Egg Fries - Breakfast Serves 2 : 2 slices of bread 40 g butter 2 eggs Method : remove the crusts and cut bread into small cubes. Preheat a large browning dish and cook on full for 5 minutes, adding the butter after 4 minutes. Immediately toss in the bread, turning quickly till all sides are brown. Divide the croutons in half and move to opposite corners of browning dish. Break an egg over each pile of croutons. Prick the yolks and cook for 1/2 minute. Partially cover and leave to stand for 1/2 minute before serving. ----- CentreTravel " "Fries bajd tqarmeċ - Kolazzjon Jservi 2: 2 flieli ta 'ħobż 40 g butir 2 bajd Metodu: neħħi l-qxur u maqtugħa ħobż fis kubi żgħar. Preheat dixx tiswied kbir u sajjar fuq sħiħ għal 5 minuti, li żżid il-butir wara 4 minuti. Immedjatament toss fil-ħobż, tidwir malajr till naħat kollha huma kannella. Aqsam il-croutons fil nofs u jimxu lejn kantunieri...

Penne with Rabbit Liver

"Penne with Rabbit Liver For 4 persons: Ingredients: 200 g rabbit liver 1 small onion 2 cloves garlic 1 cup fresh cream or rikotta 2 tbls orange zest 1 tin tomato sauce 1/2 glass white wine parsley Pine nuts Method: Cut the rabbit liver and fry in a pan for 2 minutes. Add the onions and garlic and cook for a further 3 minutes Add the wine and orange zest and leave to reduce by half and then add the pine nuts, tomato sauce, cream and parsley. Simmer for about 10 minutes. Boil the pasta in salted water and toss in with the sauce. ----- CentreTravel " "Penne bil Fwied Fenek Għal 4 persuni: ingredjenti: 200 g fenek fwied 1 basla żgħar 2 sinniet tewm 1 tazza krema friska jew rikotta 2 tbls zest oranġjo zalza tat-tadam 1 landa inbid tal-ħġieġ 1/2 abjad tursin pine nuts metodu: Aqta 'l-fwied fenek u fry fil-livell pan għal 2 minuti. Żid il-basal u tewm u sajjar għal perjod...

The Golden Eagle

"The Golden Eagle The golden eagle, like many large birds will soar out-stretched, unbeating wings if air currents rise faster than the bird loses height. ----- CentreTravel " "L-Ajkla tad-Deheb Il ajkla, bħal għasafar kbar ħafna se jogħlew ħafna barra stirati, ġwienaħ unbeating jekk arja kurrenti jikber b'rata aktar mgħaġġla mill-għasafar jitlef -għoli. ----- CentreTravel " "Der Golden Eagle Der Steinadler, wie viele große Vögel in die Höhe schnellen ausgestreckten, unbeating Flügel, wenn die Luftströme steigen schneller als der Vogel verliert Höhe. ----- CentreTravel " "金鹰 金鹰,像许多大型鸟类会飙升外伸, unbeating翼若气流上升比鸟失去更快 高度。 ----- CentreTravel " "El águila real El águila real, al igual que muchas aves de gran tamaño se elevará a cabo estira-, alas unbeating si las ...

The grey seal

"The grey seal Turbulent waters round North Atlantic rocks are the preferred habitat of the grey seal of the order Pinnipedia and the family Phocidae. Males grow to 3m long and females to 2.25m long. ----- CentreTravel " "Is-siġill griż ilmijiet ta 'taqlib tondi blat Atlantiku tat-Tramuntana huma l-ħabitat preferut tas-siġill griż ta l-ordni Pinnipedia u l-familja Phocidae. Irġiel jikber biex nisa 3m twil u biex 2.25m twil. ----- CentreTravel " "Die graue Dichtung Turbulente Gewässern rund um Nordatlantik Felsen sind der bevorzugte Lebensraum der grauen Siegel der Auftrag Pinnipedia und die Familie Phocidae. Männchen bis 3 m lang und Weibchen zu 2.25m lang wachsen. ----- CentreTravel " "灰色密封 汹涌的水域轮北大西洋岩石的灰海豹的栖息首选 顺序鳍脚目和家庭Phocidae。 男性长到3米长,女性对2.25米长。 ----- CentreTravel ...

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