
Showing posts from February, 2008



"RICE Rice is very good for our health. Many countries in the world make use of rice. You can make use of rice in sweet or savoury recipes. My favourite sweet rice recipe is. RICE PUDDING 50 gr long-grain rice 600 ml milk can use skimmed 25 gm sugar 25 gm butter 2 tbs single cream pinch of nutmeg Method: Melt the butter in a pot. Then put the rice, milk and sugar in the pot stir with a wooden spoon . Cover and let simmer. When rice is cooked add the cream and nutmeg. Serves 3 0r 4. ----- CentreTravel " "ROSS Ross hija tajba ħafna għas-saħħa tagħna. Ħafna pajjiżi fid-dinja jagħmlu użu ta 'ross. Inti tista 'tagħmel użu ta' ross fir-riċetti ħelu jew melħin. favorit tiegħi riċetta ross ħelu hu. ROSS Timoleague 50 gr ross long-grain 600 ml ħalib jistgħu jużaw xkumat 25 zokkor gm 25 butir gm 2 TBS krema wieħed niskata noċemuskata Metodu: Dewweb il-butir fi pot. Imbagħad tpoġġi l-ross, ħalib u zokkor...


"SLEEP As you all know, whether we are young or old, at the end of the day we all want to sleep. There are three ways to sleep. The first is when we put our head on the pillow and just fall easy and calmly asleep. The second is when the sleep relaxes your tired body and nerves. And the last that after your sleep you wake up feeling well and in good spirits. ----- CentreTravel " "RIEQED As you know kollha, kemm jekk aħna żgħażagħ jew anzjani, fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata aħna kollha jridu jorqdu. Hemm tliet modi biex torqod. L-ewwel huwa meta nitfgħu ras tagħna fuq l-investi u biss jaqgħu faċli u bil-kalma rieqda. It-tieni huwa meta l-irqad tnaqqas ġisem għajjien tiegħek u n-nervituri. U l-aħħar li wara l-irqad tiegħek tqum tħossok tajjeb u fl-ispirti tajbin. ----- CentreTravel " "SCHLAFEN Wie Sie alle wissen, ob wir jung oder alt sind, am Ende des Tages alles, was wir schlafen woll...


"Blushing WHY WE BLUSH? When we blush, we become red in the face. After many years of research, they found out that we tend to blush, when we are shy, or when we feel guilty of something we have made. That is why we than become the centre of attention. Most young people blush, when they are at an age of knowing right from wrong. In Victorian times, as a sign of innocence, women were expected to blush. Believe it not anymore nowadays. ----- CentreTravel " "blushing GħALIEX WE Blush? Meta aħna blush, insiru aħmar fil-wiċċ. Wara ħafna snin ta 'riċerka, sabu li għandna t-tendenza li blush, meta ninsabu jitmeżmżu, jew meta aħna iħossuhom ħatja ta 'xi ħaġa li għamilna. Dan hu għaliex għandna milli jsiru l-ċentru ta 'attenzjoni. Ħafna żgħażagħ blush, meta jkunu f'età li wieħed ikun jaf dritt mill żbaljat. Fi żminijiet Victoria, bħala sinjal ta 'innoċenza, in-nisa kienu mistennija li blush. Jemmnu mhux ak...


"Lettuce Lettuce, as you know, is one of the most common vegetables. One cup of lettuce contains only fifteen calories. When we choose lettuce, it has to be bright and crisp. With lettuce, we make very good salad. One of my favourite recipe, using lettuce, is soup. LETTUCE SOUP 1 onion, finely chopped 1 potato, cut in quarters. 1 carrot, halved 500 ml chicken stock pinch of nutmeg salt and pepper Method: Place all ingredients in a pot. Let boil till all vegetables are cooked. When cooked, pour into a blender, or food processor, and blend until smooth. Cover soup and cook for another few minutes. To Serve: I like to serve it garnished with croutons or toasted bread. Serves 2. ----- CentreTravel " "ħass Ħass, kif tafu, huwa wieħed mill-ħxejjex l-aktar komuni. tazza ta 'ħass fiha biss ħmistax kaloriji. Meta nagħżlu ħass, għandu ikun ileqq u iqarmeċ. Bil ħass, nagħmlu insalata tajba ħafna. Wieħed mill riċetta...

Marriage thoughts

"Marriage thoughts My daughter Pamela, was thinking of getting married. So one day she told her mother. ""When I get married, I'm going to invite everybody I know. I want the best catering, the best spirits. Everything the best. Well I agree with you I said. But you forgot one thing. ""What said Pamela?"" Did you tell your father about it ? Why said Pamela?. Because as you know your father has to pay for all. ----- CentreTravel " "ħsibijiet żwieġ Binti Pamela, kienet taħseb li jiżżewġu. Allura ġurnata waħda hi qalet ommha. ""Meta I jiżżewġu, jien ser jistiednu kulħadd I know. Irrid li l-aħjar kejtering, l-aħjar ispirti. Kollox l-aħjar. Ukoll Naqbel miegħek I said. Imma inti nesa ħaġa waħda. ""Dak qal Pamela?"" Ridt tgħid missierek dwar dan? Għaliex qal Pamela ?. Għaliex kif tafu missierek għandu li jħallas għal kulħadd. ----- CentreTravel https://centre...

healthy exercise

"healthy exercise Jane, a friend of mine, was putting on weight. She was determined to do something about it. So every morning, for the past three months, she began to walk a kilometre, before going to work, many times in the dark. When she was home after a days work, Susan called to congratulate her on her hard work, Jane was discouraged. ""All I've lost is 4 cm,"" she wailed, ""off the bottom of my tennis shoes."" ----- CentreTravel " "eżerċizzju b'saħħithom Jane, ħabib ta 'mini, kien tqegħid fuq il-piż. Hija kien determinat li jagħmel xi ħaġa dwar dan. Allura kull filgħodu, għall-aħħar tliet xhur, hi bdiet jimxu kilometru, qabel jitilqu jaħdmu, ħafna drabi fid-dlam. Meta hija kienet dar wara ġurnata xogħol, Susan msejħa biex nifraħ tagħha fuq ix-xogħol iebes tagħha, Jane kien skoraġġuta. ""All I tilfu huwa 4 ċm,"" hi wailed, ""off-qiegħ ta ...

Important things to know about Olympic games

"Important things to know about Olympic games The first Greeks Games were held at Olympia in 776 B.C. At first there were only running races. Then more events were added, including Pentathlon. The word means ""five contests"". These were running, long jump, discus,javelin and wrestling. All sports, except running, took place to the sound of music - usually flute-playing. ----- CentreTravel " "affarijiet importanti li tkun taf dwar logħob Olimpiku L-ewwel Logħob Griegi kienu miżmuma fil Olympia fil 776 B.C. Fl-ewwel kien hemm biss running tiġrijiet. Imbagħad aktar avvenimenti ġew miżjuda, inkluż Pentathlon. Il kelma tfisser ""ħames kompetizzjonijiet"". Dawn kienu running, qabża fit-tul, diskussjoni, Javelin u lotta. isports kollha, ħlief running, seħħet għall-ħoss tal-mużika - normalment flawt-logħob. ----- CentreTravel " "Wichtige Di...

Milon- The Greek Superman

"Milon- The Greek Superman The Greeks treated Olympic winner as a hero. If he won three times a statue was made of him. A wrestler called Milon won the Olimpic title five times. The Greeks loved sport. They thought that if a man was good at athletics, it was a gift from the gods. Every four years they held sports at Olympia in Greece. The Greek Olympics lasted for five days. Only Greek men could take part - no women. The games began with a religious cermony. Winners of the sports were crowned with olive leaves. They believed that the sportsgrounds at Olympia were holy places. ----- CentreTravel " "Milon- Il Superman Griega Il-Griegi trattati Olimpiku rebbieħ bħala eroj. Jekk hu rebaħ tliet darbiet statwa kienet saret fuqu. A wrestler imsejjaħ Milon rebaħ it-titolu Olimpic ħames darbiet. Il-Griegi iħobb l-isport. Huma ħasbu li jekk raġel kienet tajba fil atletika, kien rigal mill-allat. Kull erba 'snin huma miżmuma...

How I caught a fish

"How I caught a fish Today, as the weather was sunny and warm. My husband and I decided to go with our small boat fishing. We had a narrow line with a tiny hook at the end. No bait at all is required, as the fish is attracted by the shinny movement. So this is the way we caught our fish. This fish is called ""Atlantic Horse Mackerel."" This fish is common in the Mediterranean sea and is usually used by housewives. The best way to cook it is to dip it in semolina or flour, and with a little oil fry it on moderate heat. Serve with a salad. Here is what the fish looks like: ----- CentreTravel " "Kif I qabad ħut Illum, bħala l-temp kien xemxi u sħun. My raġel u I iddeċieda li jmorru ma tagħna sajd dgħajsa żgħira. Kellna linja dejqa ma 'ganċ ċkejkna fl-aħħar. Nru lixka fil-livelli kollha huwa meħtieġa, kif il-ħut huwa attirat mit-moviment shinny. Allura dan huwa l-mod aħna maqbuda ħu...

Fisherman's experience

"Fisherman’s experience After years of office work, I indulged my ambition to become a professional fisherman and began as a trawler deck-hand. On only my fourth trip, a huge wave washed me overboard, and my rescue was big news locally. It was with understandable trepidation that I ventured back to sea, but the day was uneventful until we reached the scene of the earlier drama. Here the skipper cut the engines and called in a deadpan voice from the wheelhouse, ""All right, mate, this is where you normally get off, isn't?"" Jason Downes ----- CentreTravel " "esperjenza Sajjieda Wara snin ta 'xogħol fl-uffiċċju, I indulged ambizzjoni tiegħi biex issir sajjied professjonali u beda bħala tkarkir gverta bl-idejn. Fuq biss raba vjaġġ tiegħi, mewġa enormi maħsul me baħar, u salvataġġ tiegħi kienet aħbarijiet kbar lokalment. Kien ma trepidation tinftiehem li I Schritt lura għall-baħar, iżda l-ġur...

Sleeping pill joke

"Sleeping pill joke A man had trouble getting up in the morning, so he asked his doctor to prescribe some pills. That night he took one, slept like a log and was wide awake before the alarm went off. He dressed slowly, had a leisurely breakfast, got to the office and told his boss, ""I feel great. I had no trouble getting up this morning."" ""Wonderful"", replied the boss. ""But where have you been for the last three days?"" Kriss Lee in Woman's World. ----- CentreTravel " "Irqad ċajta pillola Raġel kellhom problemi tqum fil- filgħodu, hekk hu talab lit-tabib tiegħu li jippreskrivu xi pilloli. Dak il-lejl huwa ħa waħda, slept bħal log u kien wiesa imqajjem qabel l-allarm marru off. huwa dressed bil-mod kellu kolazzjon leisurely, ltqajna lill-uffiċċju u qal imgħallem tiegħu, ""I jħossu kbira. I ma kellux problema tqum dalgħodu. "...

How I quit smoking

"How I quit smoking Well, I had starting smoking ,when I had started working. You feel very rich and modern ,when I was in my twenties. The whole story started that as the years go by, you start feeling the effects. At first you know CIGARETTES are not good for you. Besides not good for your health, you can never taste the food. You wake up coughing in the morning. If you are in the office or in a restaurant or even in your own house when you have children or old people you can only enjoy your CIGARETTE outdoors. CIGARETTES, are an expensive hobby. So, my friend and I just started our New Years resolution. From that day on it has been a big NO to smoking. I prefer to spend the money in better ways like travelling. ----- CentreTravel " "Kif I jieqfu jpejpu Well, I kien jibdew tipjip, meta kelli beda jaħdem. Tħossok ħafna sinjuri u moderna, meta I kien fil twenties tie...

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