"RICE Rice is very good for our health. Many countries in the world make use of rice. You can make use of rice in sweet or savoury recipes. My favourite sweet rice recipe is. RICE PUDDING 50 gr long-grain rice 600 ml milk can use skimmed 25 gm sugar 25 gm butter 2 tbs single cream pinch of nutmeg Method: Melt the butter in a pot. Then put the rice, milk and sugar in the pot stir with a wooden spoon . Cover and let simmer. When rice is cooked add the cream and nutmeg. Serves 3 0r 4. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "ROSS Ross hija tajba ħafna għas-saħħa tagħna. Ħafna pajjiżi fid-dinja jagħmlu użu ta 'ross. Inti tista 'tagħmel użu ta' ross fir-riċetti ħelu jew melħin. favorit tiegħi riċetta ross ħelu hu. ROSS Timoleague 50 gr ross long-grain 600 ml ħalib jistgħu jużaw xkumat 25 zokkor gm 25 butir gm 2 TBS krema wieħed niskata noċemuskata Metodu: Dewweb il-butir fi pot. Imbagħad tpoġġi l-ross, ħalib u zokkor...